Italian drawings from the 15th to the 19th century / text by Winslow Ames.
Entrée principale:

Ames, Winslow.

Titre et auteur:

Italian drawings from the 15th to the 19th century / text by Winslow Ames.


New York : Shorewood Publishers, [1963]


141 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm


Drawings of the masters

Includes bibliographical references (pages 140-141).
Artists and figures in text -- Sheet from a pattern book / Italian, Lombard, early 15th century -- Four studies of the virgin and child / Zoppo -- Studies of a horse and of a horseman attacking footsoldiers / Michelangelo -- Saint Roch / Parmigianino -- Ruins of a courtyard / Canaletto -- Artists and plates -- Album folio / Altichiero da Zevio -- Incidents of a pilgrimage to Jerusalem / Italian, Tuscan, 15th century -- Study of a horse / Italian, Florentine, 15th century -- Hunting (?) scene / Italian, Lombard, Early 15th century -- Saint Christopher / Bramante -- A mounted knight with a lance / Uccello -- A male nude stabbing a female nude / Signorelli -- Flying figure and detail studies / Gozzoli -- Nudes being bound / Signorelli -- A female saint standing / Fra Filippo Lippi -- Adam / Pollaiuolo -- Fighting nudes / Pollaiuolo -- Head of a woman / Verrocchio -- Study for a Christ child / Lorenzo di Credi -- Head of an angel / Verrocchio -- An angel running toward the left; a study of drapery / Lorenzo di Credi -- Three draped male figures / Davide Ghirlandaio -- Head of an old woman / Domenico Ghirlandaio -- Abundance, or autumn / Botticelli -- Study for a Pallas / Botticelli (school of) -- Ariadne Deserted (?) / Piero di Cosimo -- Study for a figure in action / Filippino Lippi -- Funeral procession of the virgin / Jacopo Bellini -- A saddled stallion / Pisanello -- Studies of men hanging on the gallows / Pisanello -- Head of an old man / Giovanni Bellini -- Portrait of a man wearing a cap / Vivarini -- Two Turkish women / Carpaccio -- Head of a bearded man wearing a cap / Carpaccio -- Venus embracing Cupid at the forge of Vulcan / Francesco del Cossa (school of) -- Portrait of a boy / Antonello da Messina -- Head of a man / Mantegna -- Mars, Venus (?), and Diana / Mantegna -- Head of an old man / Pellegrino da San Daniele -- Composition of three figures / Francia -- Virgin and child with Saint John the Baptist / Catena (after) -- Head of a man / Bonsignori -- Study for spectators in a crucifixion / Ercole di Roberti -- Angels' heads / Mainardi -- Saint Christopher / Raffaellino del Garbo -- Portrait, supposed to be that of Raphael / Sodoma -- Young man, back turned / Italian, Venetian, 16the century, after Carpaccio -- The adoration of the shepherds / Giorgione (?) -- Mythological couple / Titian -- The sacrifice of Isaac / Titian -- A horse and rider falling / Titian -- Landscape with a satyr / Titian -- The rest on the flight to Egypt / Veronese -- Two fathers of the church / Palma Giovane -- Head of a bearded man / Lotto -- Study for an apostle / Sebastiano del Piombo -- Mountain landscape / Leonardo -- Horse and rider / Leonardo -- Studies from a statuette / Tintoretto -- Figure study of a man / Tintoretto -- Five grotesque heads / Leonardo -- Study of a woman's hands / Leonardo -- Study for the figure of a damned man / Fra Bartolommeo -- The assumption of the virgin / Fra Bartolommeo -- Glorification of Christ and the creation of Eve / Pontormo -- The virgin with the Christ child and Saint John the Baptist / Luini -- Study for heads of the virgin and child / Boltraffio (attributed to) -- Study for the left hand of the Madonna delle Arpie / Andrea del Sarto -- A man in armor / Perugino -- A music-making angel / Perugino -- Female nude, back view / Raphael -- Men in armor / Pinturicchio -- Group of six seated and seven standing figures / Pinturicchio -- Head of Lazaraus / Michelangelo -- Studies of a reclining male nude / Michelangelo -- Study for Adam and Eve / Michelangelo -- Head of a grief-stricken woman / Correggio -- Study of an apostle standing / Gatti -- Portrait of a young man / Annibale Carracci -- Running nudes / Primaticcio -- Copy after Bandinelli's "Cleopatra" / Bronzino -- Theatrical figures / Buontalenti -- Study for a ceiling genii (recto) / Tibaldi -- A page kneeling / Bassano -- The virgin and child with Saints Roch and Sebastian / Moroni -- Battle of the Amazons (?) / Italian, Early 17th century -- A man on a horse / Guercino -- Abraham travelling toward the promised land / Castiglione -- A seated bishop saint / Cavedone -- Queen of Sheba before Solomon / Pietro da Cortona -- Dead man, lying / Agostino Carracci -- A triumphant general crowned by a flying figure / Italian, Venetian, early 17th century -- Roman view with Santo Stefano Rotundo / Vanvitelli -- The Christ child in the manger / Magnasco -- The assumption of Saint Joseph / Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo -- Four Bacchic figures / Giovanni Battista Tiepolo -- Young woman holding a jar / Piazzetta -- An island in the lagoon / Canaletto -- Romantic capriccio / Guardi -- Figures under a colonnade / Guardi -- Architectural fantasy / Piranesi.

Contains drawings by: Zoppo, Michelangelo, Parmigianino, Canaletto, Altichiero da Zevio, Bramante, Uccello, Signorelli, Gozzoli, Fra Filippo Lippi, Pollaiuolo, Lorenzo di Credi, Verrocchio, Davide Ghirlandaio, Botticelli, Piero di Cosimo, Jacopo Bellini, Pisanello, Giovanni Bellini, Vivarini, Carpaccio, Francesco del Cossa, Antonello da Messina, Mantegna, Pellegrinio da san Daniele, Francia, Catena, Bonsignori, Ercole di Roberti, Mainardi, Raffaellino del Garbo, Sodoma, Giorgione, Titian, Veronese, Palma Giovane, Lotto, Sebastiano del Piombo, Leonardo, Tintoretto, Fra Bartolommeo, Pontormo, Luini, Boltraffio, Andrea del Sarto, Perugino, Raphael, Pinturicchio, Correggio, Gatti, Annibale Carracci, Primaticcio, Bronzino, Buotanlenti, Tibaldi, Bassano, Moroni, Guercino, Castiglione, Cavedone, Pietro da Cortona, Agostino Carracci, Vanvitelli, Magnasco, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Piazzetta, Guardi, and Piranesi.


Drawing, Italian.
Dessin italien.

Vedettes secondaires:

Drawings of the masters (New York, N.Y.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 98983
Cote: W13046; ID:85-B1519
Statut: Disponible


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