Owens, Bill, photographer, author.
Suburbia / by Bill Owens.
San Francisco : Straight Arrow Books, [1973]
New York : Quick Fox Inc.
New York : Rapport Printing Corp.
1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly illustrations ; 26 x 26 cm
"This book is about my friends and the world I live in. In the fall of 1968 I began working as a photographer for the Livermore (California) Independent. My daily routine took me into the homes of hundreds of families and into contact with the social life of three suburban communities. The people I met enjoy the life-style of the suburbs. They have realized the American Dream. They are proud to be home own and to have achieved material success. To me nothing seemed familiar, yet everything was very, very familiar. At first I suffered from culture shock. I wanted to photograph everything, thousands of photographs. Then slowly I began to put my thoughts and feelings together and to document Americans in Suburbia. It took two years. The photos in this book express the lives of the people I know. The comments on each photograph are what the people feel about themselves."--Author's statement, p. [3].
0879320427 (paperbound)
9780879320423 (paperbound)
0879320435 (clothbound)
9780879320430 (clothbound)
Owens, Bill.
Owens, Bill 1938-
Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer Bitterfeld
Suburban life United States Pictorial works.
Suburban life Pictorial works.
Vie de la banlieue Ouvrages illustrés.
Vie de la banlieue États-Unis Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie de presse.
journalistic photography.
photojournalism (discipline)
Manners and customs
Suburban life
United States Social life and customs 1945-1970 Pictorial works.
États-Unis Mœurs et coutumes 1945-1970 Ouvrages illustrés.
United States
Illustrated works
Livres de photographies.
Goodchild, Jon, book designer.
Straight Arrow Books, publisher.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 37402
Cote: 8902
Statut: Disponible
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