Ghost towns and mining camps of New Mexico / James E. and Barbara H. Sherman ; maps by Jim Cooper.
Entrée principale:

Sherman, James E., author.

Titre et auteur:

Ghost towns and mining camps of New Mexico / James E. and Barbara H. Sherman ; maps by Jim Cooper.


First edition.


Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [1975]


x, 270 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 259-261) and index.
Albemarle -- Allerton -- Allison -- Alma -- Amizette -- Ancho -- Andrews -- Baldy -- Black Hawk -- Bland -- Blossburg -- Bonanza City -- Bonito City -- Brice -- Brilliant -- Cabezon -- Carbonateville -- Carlisle -- Carthage -- Catskill -- Cerrillos -- Chance City -- Chloride -- Clairmont -- Clarkville -- Cloverdale -- Coalora -- Colfax -- Columbus -- Cooks Peak -- Coolidge -- Cooney -- Copper City -- Copperton -- Council Rock -- Dawson -- Diener -- Dolores -- Elizabethtown -- Engle -- Estey City -- Faywood Hot Springs -- Fleming -- Gamerco -- Gardiner -- Georgetown -- Gibson -- Glen-Woody -- Glorieta -- Gold Dust -- Golden -- Gold Hill -- Grafton -- Graham -- Hachita and Old Hachita -- Hagan and Coyote -- Hematite -- Hermanas -- Hermosa -- Hillsboro -- Jicarilla -- Johnson Mesa -- Kelly -- Kingston -- Koehler -- La Bajada -- La Belle -- Lake Valley -- La Ventana -- Leopold -- Lincoln -- Madrid -- Malone -- Mentmore -- Midnight and Anchor -- Mineral City -- Modoc -- Mogollon -- Navajo -- Nutt -- Oak Grove -- Organ -- Orogrande -- Otero -- Park City -- Parsons -- Paschal -- Perryville -- Pinos Altos -- Pyramid -- Rabenton -- Red River -- Riley -- Robinson -- Rosedale -- Sacramento City -- San Antonio -- San Augustine -- San Geronimo -- San Marcial -- San Pedro -- Santa Rita -- Sawyer -- Senorito -- Shakespeare -- Shandon -- Steins -- Sugarite -- Swastika -- Sylvanite -- Telegraph -- Tererro -- Tierra Blanca -- Tokay -- Trementina -- Twining -- Tyrone -- Valedon -- Valmont -- Van Houten -- Vera Cruz -- Viriginia City -- Waldo -- White Oaks -- Winston -- Yankee.

Given in memory of Ethel A. Tsutsui, Ph. D. and Minoru Tsutsui, Ph. D.
In places like the valley town of Alma, once known to Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch, and through the dusty streets of San Antonio, where Conrad Hilton began his fabulous career by carrying luggage from the train station to his father's hotel, the Shermans have explored the past and present of New Mexico's famous and infamous ghost towns and mining camps. They have arranged for the reader a historical and pictorial journey through more than 130 of the state's old and defunct mining, farming, railroad, and lumbering communities. A cross section of New Mexico's legacy from the frontier past unfolds in an array of nostalgic photographs and highlights of the history and adventures of the people who lived there. Town entries are arranged alphabetically for ease of selection. More than 450 photographs illustrate the past and the contemporary condition of these communities. Ten excellent maps and accurate township, range, and section coordinates locate each settlement. Vacationers, ghost-town buffs, and armchair adventurers as well as serious historians can take a real or imagined trip to New Mexico's past with this book in hand. Cover.


0806111062 (pbk.)
9780806111063 (pbk.)


Ghost towns New Mexico.
Mining camps New Mexico.
Villes fantômes Nouveau-Mexique.
Camps de mineurs Nouveau-Mexique.
Ghost towns
Mining camps
New Mexico History.
Nouveau-Mexique Histoire.
New Mexico
United States, New Mexico History 1848.



Vedettes secondaires:

Sherman, Barbara H., author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 6168
Cote: ID:87-B20602
Statut: Disponible


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