The Victorian city : images and realities / edited by H.J. Dyos and Michael Wolff.
Titre et auteur:

The Victorian city : images and realities / edited by H.J. Dyos and Michael Wolff.


London, Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul [1973]


2 volumes (xxxii, 957 pages) illustrations 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
v. 1. The urbanizing world / Eric E. Lampard ; Voices from within / Paul Thompson ; The human aggregate / Asa Briggs ; The contagion of numbers / J.A. Banks ; Comers and goers / Raphael Samuel ; Pubs / Brian Harrison ; The literature of the streets / Victor E. Neuburg ; The metropolis on stage / Michael R. Booth ; The camera's eye / G.H. Martin and David Francis ; The face of the industrial city / G.F. Chadwick ; Reading the illegible / Steven Marcus ; The power of the railway / Jack Simmons ; London, the artifact / John Summerson ; House upon house / Donald J. Olsen ; Slums and suburbs / H.J. Dyos and D.A. Reeder ; Another part of the Island / G.F.A. Best ; Metropolitan types / Lynn Lees -- v. 2. The awful sublimity of the Victorian city / Nicholas Taylor ; Victorian artists and the urban milieu / E.D.H. Johnson ; The frightened poets / G. Robert Stange ; From 'know-not-where' to 'nowhere' / George Levine ; The novel between city and country / U.C. Knoepflmacher ; Dickens and London / Philip Collins ; Pictures from the magazines / MichaelWolff and Celina Fox ; Fact and fiction in the EAst End / P.J. Keating ; Unfit for human habitation / Anthony S. Wohl ; Disease, debility, and death / George Rosen ; Training urban man / Ricahrd L. Schoenwald ; Prostitution and paterfamilias / Eric Trudgill ; The culture of poverty / Gertrude Himmelfarb ; Literary voices of an industrial town / Martha Vicinus ; Areas of urban politics / Derek Fraser ; Orange and green / Sybil E. Baker ; Challenge to the Church / David E.H. Mole ; Catholic faith of the Irish slums / Sheridan Gilley ; Feelings and festivals / John Kent ; The way out / Stanley Pierson ; The way we live now / H.J. Dyos and Michael Wolff.

Victorian City is a study of the social and intellectual attitudes of Victorian society to the challenge of urbanization.


0710073844 (set)
9780710073846 (set)
0415193257 (set)


Cities and towns Great Britain History.
Cities history.
Villes Grande-Bretagne Histoire.
Cities and towns.
Social conditions.
Great Britain Social conditions 19th century.
Grande-Bretagne Conditions sociales 19e siècle.
Great Britain.



Vedettes secondaires:

Dyos, H. J. (Harold James), 1921-1978, editor.
Wolff, Michael, 1927- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181559
Cote: W5540; ID:85-B14117
Exemplaire: v.1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181558
Cote: W5540; ID:85-B14117
Exemplaire: v.2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181561
Cote: ID GDER 2583; ID:85-B14117
Exemplaire: v.1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181560
Cote: ID GDER 2583; ID:85-B14117
Exemplaire: v.2
Statut: Disponible


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