Picturesque Europe : a delineation by pen and pencil of the natural features and the picturesque and historical places of Great Britain and the continent / illustrated on steel and wood by European and American artists ; edited by Bayard Taylor.
Titre et auteur:

Picturesque Europe : a delineation by pen and pencil of the natural features and the picturesque and historical places of Great Britain and the continent / illustrated on steel and wood by European and American artists ; edited by Bayard Taylor.


New York : D. Appleton and Company, [1875]-[1879]


3 volumes : illustrations, plates ; 33 cm

63 plates (including frontispieces and added engraved title pages). All added title pages drawn by Harry Fenn.
Volume 1: Frontispiece drawn by Birket Foster and engraved by A. Willmore. Volume 2: Frontispiece drawn by Birket Foster and engraved by T. Bradshaw. Frontispiece of volume 3 drawn by H. Fenn and engraved S. Bradshaw.
The most common illustrators are Harry Fenn, P. Skelton, W.H.J. Boot, Birket Foster, R.P. Leitch, T.L. Rowbotham, and J.D. Woodward. The most common engravers are John Godfrey, T. Heawood, J.J. Crew, A. Willmore, S. Bradshaw, and J. Saddler.
Vol. 1. The British Isles -- Vol. 2. Europe -- Vol. 3. Europe.
Also available on the Internet from the Harvard University Library website.
View online version.

Europe Pictorial Works.
Europe Description and travel.
Europe Pictorial works.
Europe In art.
Europe Dans l'art.
Europe Descriptions et voyages.
Europe Ouvrages illustrés.
Great Britain Description and travel


Pictorial Work.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Pictorial works
Relief prints.
Intaglio prints.
Printed wrappers (Binding)
Publishers' advertisements New York (State) New York.
Subscription publications.
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878, editor.
Fenn, Harry, 1838-1911, illustrator.
Foster, Myles Birket, 1825-1899, illustrator.
Willmore, Arthur, 1814-1888, engraver.
Bradshaw, Samuel (Engraver), engraver.
Skelton, Percival, illustrator.
Boot, W. H. J. (William Henry James), 1848-1918, illustrator.
Leitch, R. P. (Richard Pettigrew), illustrator.
Rowbotham, Thomas Leeson, 1783-1853, illustrator.
Woodward, J. D. (John Douglas), 1846-1924, illustrator.
Heawood, Thomas, engraver.
Crew, John J., engraver.
Saddler, John, 1813-1892, engraver.
Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878
D. Appleton and Company, publisher.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 38358
Cote: POX12464; ID:88-B9220
Exemplaire: v. 1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 38357
Cote: POX12464; ID:88-B9220
Exemplaire: v. 2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 38356
Cote: POX12464; ID:88-B9220
Exemplaire: v. 3
Statut: Disponible


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