Pudney, John, 1909-1977.
Brunel and his world.
London, Thames and Hudson [1974]
128 pages illustrations 24 cm
"The only son of Sir Marc Brunel, creator of the first major underwater tunnel, Brunel designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge, pioneered the Great Western Railway, and initiated, with his three great ocean-going liners, the modern age of transatlantic steamship travel. With the dedication and intensity of an artist, Brunel sacrificed his personal life, driving himself from venture to venture, and grandeur and scale of his conceptions always challenging the technical resources of his time. The story of Brunel's success and failure, of his headlong enterprises and misfortunes, is vividly told in John Pudney's narrative, and in a rich harvest of contemporary illustrations." - book jacket.
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 1806-1859.
Mechanical engineers Biography.
Civil engineers Biography.
Ingénieurs mécaniciens Biographies.
Ingénieurs civils Biographies.
Mechanical engineers.
Civil engineers.
collective biographies.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main price 267120
Cote: BIB 199170
Statut: Disponible
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