De Wolfe, Ivor, author.
The Italian townscape / Ivor de Wolfe ; sketches and plans drawn by Kenneth Browne ; photographs by Ivy de Wolfe.
London : Architectural Press, [1963]
280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
"The Italian Townscape' was written by Hubert de Cronin Hastings (1902-1986), under his pseudonym of Ivor de Wolfe, with photographs taken by him and his wife Hazel (alias Ivy de Wolfe). He claimed to have invented the word "Townscape", and used his position as proprietor/editor of the Architectural Review to promote it as a technique to inspire the creation of historically layered, visually stimulating, dense cities in the period of reconstruction and new towns. The theory of "Townscape" was originally developed by Hastings in collaboration with the architect, planner and illustrator Gordon Cullen, whose book of this name, published in 1961, remains a standard work. In 'The Italian Townscape', Hastings made his own statement, sharing his worries about the blandness of modern consumer society and celebrating Italian towns and cities as theatrical background for everyday life. Writing at a time when English people were migrating to the suburbs and cars were destroying the conviviality of cities, Hastings anticipated the return in recent decades to an ideal of public space, where 'the only true happiness lies at the centre."
City planning Italy.
Architecture Italy.
Urbanisme Italie.
Architecture Italie.
City planning
Italy Description and travel.
Italie Descriptions et voyages.
Illustrated works
Browne, Kenneth, illustrator.
De Wolfe, Ivy, 1902 or 1903-1992, photographer.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 140643
Cote: W621; ID:85-B26020
Statut: Disponible
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