Isaacs, Ken.
How to build your own living structures / Ken Isaacs.
New York : Harmony Books, [1974]
136 pages : illustrations ; 21 x 31 cm
"Ken Isaacs invented the Living Structure and the Microhouse a long time ago when most of us still thought the crew cut was one of the ten commandments. He was design editor for Popular Science Monthly magazine and was chosen by Life as one of the outstanding young Americans. He has designed a film score for a Broadway play & is currently Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois where he is building a Microhouse villagge in the shadow of the Sears Tower high-rise in the Chicago Loop. He understands how to design beautiful useful fruniture & how to spend his time. He writes with humor and a style that blends new psychology & old Kentucky proverbs"--Book jacket.
Furniture making Amateurs' manuals.
House construction Amateurs' manuals.
Travail du bois.
Meubles Fabrication Manuels d'amateurs.
Habitations Construction Manuels d'amateurs.
Furniture making.
House construction.
Spiral bindings.
manuals (instructional materials)
Handbooks and manuals.
Guides et manuels.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 297035
Cote: BIB 243336
Statut: Disponible
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