The Management of urban change in Britain and Germany / edited by Richard Rose [for the] Committee on Political Sociology [of the International Political Science Association and the International Sociological Association].
Titre et auteur:

The Management of urban change in Britain and Germany / edited by Richard Rose [for the] Committee on Political Sociology [of the International Political Science Association and the International Sociological Association].


London ; Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, 1974.


xii, 267 pages ; 22 cm

Based on a conference convened in London, 1st-5th April, 1973 and organized by the Committee on Political Sociology.
Includes bibliographical references.
Coping with urban change / Richard Rose -- Social processes and urban change / R.E. Pahl -- Market forces and urban change in Germany / Ulrich Pfeiffer -- Market forces and urban change in Britain / Alan W. Evans -- Description of urban development in terms of land use in Germany / J.F. von Klitzing -- Land use and urban change in Britain / Robert Shotton -- Information systems and urban change in Germany / Helmut Blum -- Housing objectives and policy indicators / Richard Rose -- Participation in planning processes / Karolus Heil -- Councillors, officers and public participation in urban renewal / Norman Dennis -- Administration and urban change in Germany / Klaus Müller-Ibold -- Some aspects of social planning in London / Nicholas Deakin -- Politics and urban change / Hans Koschnick -- Politicians and planners / William L. Taylor -- Britain and Germany: local government in perspective / David Eversley.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP26.00 0.
Donor bookplate



Bundesprüfstelle für Jugendgefährdende Schriften Bonn Jahrestagung
Cities and towns Great Britain Congresses.
Cities and towns Germany (West) Congresses.
City planning Great Britain Congresses.
City planning Germany (West) Congresses.
City planning Great Britain.
City planning Germany.
Urban renewal Germany.
Cities and towns Planning Germany (Federal Republic, 1948- ) Congresses.
Social sciences Comparative studies Congresses.
Urbanisme Grande-Bretagne.
Urbanisme Allemagne.
Rénovation Grande-Bretagne
Rénovation urbaine Allemagne.
Villes Grande-Bretagne Congrès.
Villes Allemagne (Ouest) Congrès.
Urban renewal
Cities and towns
City planning
Cities and towns Great Britain.
Cities and towns Germany (West)
City planning Germany (West)
Germany (Federal Republic, 1948- ) Social policy Congresses.
Germany (West)
Great Britain
Deutschland (Bundesrepublik)


Conference publications.
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.

Vedettes secondaires:

Rose, Richard, 1933- editor.
Committee on Political Sociology.
International Sociological Association.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 271092
Cote: BIB 204043
Statut: Disponible


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