National-local linkages : the interrelationships of urban and national polities in Latin America / Francine F. Rabinovitz and Felicity M. Trueblood, editors.
Titre et auteur:

National-local linkages : the interrelationships of urban and national polities in Latin America / Francine F. Rabinovitz and Felicity M. Trueblood, editors.


Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, 1973.


311 pages ; 24 cm


Latin American urban research ; v. 3

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Francine F. Rabinovitz and Felicity M. Trueblood -- Part I. Power and influence -- National power and local power: the case of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia / Laurence Whitehead -- Community power and benefits from the nation: the case of Mexico / Susan Kaufman Purcell and John F.H. Purcell -- Revenue sharing in practice: national-state-local subventions in Venezuela / Charles J. Savio -- Part II. The national politics of urban public policy-making -- Urban reform in columbia: the impact of the "politics of games" on public policy / Mauricio Solaun, Fernando Cepeda, and Bruce Bagley -- The political attitudes and social backgrounds of Columbia's urban housing bureaucrats / John Pollock -- Urban squatter organization as a national government tool: the case of Lima, Peru / Sara Michl -- Part III. The outcome and impact of national policy on cities -- POlitical, economic and social effects of producer and consumer orientations toward housing in Brazil and Peru: a systems analysis / Anthony Leeds -- The impact of government performance on political attitudes and behavior: the case of the urban poor in Mexico City / Wayne A. Cornelius -- Appendix: research aid. Urban resources in the Caribbean: a survey of training and research programs at selected academic institutions / Gustavo A. Antonini.
Library copy: in ms., "Joan Miller, Montreal, 1974."



Urbanization Latin America.
City planning Latin America.
Regional planning Latin America.
Urban renewal Latin America.
Urbanisation Amérique latine.
Aménagement du territoire Amérique latine.
Rénovation urbaine Amérique latine.
City planning
Regional planning
Urban renewal
Cities and towns Latin America.
Municipal government Latin America.
Central-local government relations Latin America.
Urban policy Latin America.
Latin America

Vedettes secondaires:

Rabinovitz, Francine F.
Trueblood, Felicity M.
University of Florida. Center for Latin American Studies.
University of California, Los Angeles. Committee on International and Comparative Studies.
Provenance. Miller, Joan. Autograph.
Autographs. Miller, Joan.
Latin American urban research ; v. 3.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 221694
Cote: HT119 .N3 1973
Statut: Disponible


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