Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952, photographer.
A talent for detail : the photographs of Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1889-1910 / by Pete Daniel and Raymond Smock.
New York : Harmony Books, [1974]
10 unnumbered pages, 182 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm
"Her portrait work immortalized Susan B. Anthony, Joel Chandler Harris, Mark Twain, the Roosevelts, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, Booker T. Washington, Admiral Dewey, President McKinley and many others. Women workers, coal miners, iron men, blacks, Indians, students and world expositions are the subjects of her photo-essays. Independent and successful, Frances Benjamin Johnston produced numerous self-portraits, documenting her unconventional life during the gilded age of post-Victorian America. A Talent for Detail is an historical record of America from 1889-1910; a gallery of the famous and the common people of that time, and a photobiography of an extraordinarily gifted woman."--Provided by publisher.
Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952.
Portrait photography.
Documentary photography.
Portraits (Photographie)
Photographie documentaire.
documentary photography.
Photographers United States.
Photography History Sources.
Johnston, Frances Benjamin 1864-1952
Livres de photographies.
Daniel, Pete, author.
Smock, Raymond W., author.
Harmony Books (Firm), publisher.
Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division.
United States New York (State) New York,
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 186432
Cote: ID TR140.J64.A34; ID:87-B6975
Statut: Disponible
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