Lapidus, Morris.
Architecture : a profession and a business / Morris Lapidus.
New York : Reinhold Pub. Corp., ©1967.
xv, 207 pages : illustrations, facsimiles, plans ; 27 cm
Based on his forty years of varied architectural experience, the author, who is noted especially for his hotel designs throughout the United States, describes in specific and often amusing terms how to conduct an office and how to practice architecture for profit. Until now there has been little or nothing published that will help a newly formed firm or an existing firm to achieve better profits, prevent losses, and avoid legal entanglements. In presenting the inside story of the architectural profession at the practical business level, the author takes the reader from his first day in architecture school through his years of professional practice. By freely discussing his experiences the author hopes to help others avoid costly errors and unexpected difficulties. Added to the author's candid observations are the experiences of many other architectural firms. Stressing the practical aspects of the profession, the book covers every phase of the business of architecture from opening an office, establishing rapport with a client, and keeping a practice running smoothly and profitably, through public relations, methods of securing commissions, law and accounting as they relate to architecture, and many other complexities faced by the architect in a fast-changing era. This interestingly written and extremely practical book will be"must" reading for all practicing architects and students, as well as for those professionals working in the allied fields of engineering and interior design. -- from dust jacket
Architecture Vocational guidance.
Architecture Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Architecture Orientation professionnelle.
Architecture Guides, manuels, etc.
Handbooks and manuals.
Guides et manuels.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 142808
Cote: PO3760
Statut: Disponible
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