Robertson, Donald, 1919-
Pre-Columbian architecture.
New York, G. Braziller, 1963.
128 pages illustrations, maps, plans 26 cm
The Great ages of world architecture
"The architecture which preceded the sixteenth-century Spanish Conquest of Central and South America is outstanding for its expression of strength and vitality. From the beginning of the Christian era - even earlier the pagan civilizations that dominated this area had developed relatively undisturbed by outside influences. Of these, the Aztec and the Maya peoples of Mexico, and the Incas of Peru left a legacy of especially impressive monuments. Tenochtitlán, principal city of the Aztecs, would probably be closer to our mid-twentieth-century ideal of a well- planned city than any which were built in the Spain of Cortés, its conqueror. The concern for integration of various architectural elements within a city, especially the sophisticated plans found in the Maya cities of Yucatan, somewhat parallels our own attempts to establish unity within our constantly growing, expanding cities. The components of these spacious, orderly cities are of equal beauty and imagination. Immense pyramids, often built and rebuilt over centuries, were crowned with the focal point of Pre-Columbian life-a temple, home of a God and site of worship and ritual. Palaces also played an important role in the architectural development of the area, as did subsidiary elements such as observatories, courts, and homes. Since the major human and expendable resources were channeled into religious and state monuments-especially pyramids-few of the smaller, more individual structures survive. Decorative elements, especially mural painting and architectural sculpture, pro- vide insights into the general treatment and feeling for form and, at the same time, add elements of breath-taking beau- ty and skill to the architecture itself. Similarly, the materials used in each region affect the buildings and, in the Andes, contribute one of the most ex- citing aspects of their rugged, enduring forms. This stimulating introduction to the earliest American architecture causes us to regret the loss of these highly developed traditions which flourished before the Spanish conquistadors arrived to alter and supplant it."--Publisher.
Indian art.
Architecture Latin America.
Indian architecture.
Temples Latin America.
Art des Peuples autochtones.
Architecture Amérique latine.
Architecture précolombienne.
Temples Amérique latine.
Art précolombien.
Indian architecture Central America.
Indians of Central America Antiquities.
Indian architecture South America.
Indians of South America Antiquities.
Architecture Amérique du Sud.
Antiquités Amérique du Sud.
Latin America Antiquities.
Amérique latine Antiquités.
Latin America
Great ages of world architecture.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 77403
Cote: ID:86-B14113
Statut: Disponible
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