The mediaeval mind : a history of the development of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages / Henry Osborn Taylor.
Entrée principale:

Taylor, Henry Osborn, 1856-1941.

Titre et auteur:

The mediaeval mind : a history of the development of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages / Henry Osborn Taylor.


Fourth edition.


London : Macmillan, 1927.


2 volumes ; 23 cm

"Fourth edition 1925, reprinted 1927."
Volume 1. BOOK 1: THE GROUNDWORK. Genesis of the mediaeval genius --- The Latinizing of the west --- Greek philosophy as the antecedent of the patristic apprehension of fact --- Intellectual interests of the Latin fathers --- Latin transmitters of antique and patristic thought --- The barbaric disruption of the empire --- The Celtic strain in Gaul and Ireland --- Teuton qualities: Anglo-Saxon, German, Norse --- The bringing of Christianity and antique knowledge to the northern peoples ---- BOOK 2: THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES. Carolingian period: the first stage in the appropriation of the patristic and antique --- Mental aspects of the eleventh century: Italy --- Mental aspects of the eleventh century: France --- Mental aspects of the eleventh century: Germany --- Phases of Mediaeval growth --- The growth of Mediaeval emotion ---- BOOK 3: THE IDEAL AND THE ACTUAL: THE SAINTS. The reforms of monasticism --- The hermit temper --- The quality of love in St. Bernard --- St. Francis of Assisi --- Mystic visions of ascetic women --- The spotted actuality --- The world of Salimbene ---- BOOK 4: THE IDEAL AND THE ACTUAL: SOCIETY. Feudalism and knighthood --- Romantic chivalry and courtly love ----- Volume 2. BOOK 4: THE IDEAL AND THE ACTUAL: SOCIETY. The ideal and the actual: society --- Parzival, the brave man slowly wise --- The heart of Heloise --- German considerations: Walther Von Der Vogelweide ---- BOOK 5: SYMBOLISM. Scriptural allegories in the early Middle Ages; Honorius of Autun --- The rationale of the visible world: Hugo of St. Victor --- Cathedral and mass: hymn and imaginative poem ---- BOOK 6: LATINITY AND LAW. The spell of the classics --- Evolution of Mediaeval Latin prose --- Evolution of Mediaeval Latin verse --- Mediaeval appropriation of the Roman law ---- BOOK 7: ULTIMATE INTELLECTUAL INTERESTS OF THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTURIES. Scholasticism: spirit, scope, and method --- Classification of topics; stages of evolution --- Twelfth-century scholasticism --- The universities, Aristotle, and the Mendicants --- Bonaventura --- Albertus Magnus --- Thomas Aquinas --- Roger Bacon --- Duns Scotus and Occam --- The Mediaeval synthesis: Dante.

Middle Ages.
Civilization, Medieval.
Philosophy, Medieval.
Moyen Âge.
Civilisation médiévale.
Philosophie médiévale.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 93156
Cote: ID:86-B18421
Exemplaire: 2 vols
Statut: Disponible


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