Living spaces / edited, with an introduction by George Nelson.
New York, N.Y. : Whitney Publications, Inc., [1952]
145 pages : chiefly illustrations, plans ; 31 cm
Interiors library ; 1
With this book, Interiors, a monthly periodical published for professionals in all branches of interior design, answers the demand for a popular and comprehensive book on contemporary interiors. The book's editor, architect and designer George Nelson, ties its 232 illustrations together with an introduction and running commentary that points out the problems faced by each of the 81 designers involved, as well as their solutions. This survey of the best of today's living spaces is one that graphically presents the contemporary feeling in the elements of space, volume, texture, light, color, and form--Excerpted and adapted from the dust jacket.
Interior decoration United States.
Furniture United States.
Interior decoration 20th century.
Furniture 20th century.
Living room furniture 20th century.
Design 20th century.
Décoration intérieure États-Unis.
Meubles États-Unis.
Décoration intérieure 20e siècle.
Meubles 20e siècle.
Design 20e siècle.
Living room furniture.
Interior decoration.
United States.
Nelson, George, 1908-1986, editor.
Interiors library ; 1.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 7438
Cote: W2187; ID:87-B12988
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 7439
Cote: 1774; ID:87-B12988
Statut: Disponible
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