Lonergan, Carroll Vincent, 1916- author.
Ticonderoga : historic portage / Carroll Vincent Lonergan.
Ticonderoga, N.Y. : Fort Mount Hope Society Press, [1959]
xi, 248 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"Ticonderoga is our nation's most historic town. For hundreds of years the land between Lake George and Lake Champlain was fought over; first by the Iroquois and Algonquins, next by the French and the English, last by the English and the Americans. Unlike places such as Saratoga, Yorktown, and Gettysburg, whose history was made in a matter of days, the history of Ticonderoga was molded through years, generations, and centuries. With its tremendous historical heritage it is almost unbelievable that 'Ticonderoga, historic portage' is the first book length history of this stronghold ever to be published. In 'Ticonderoga, historic portage' Mr. Lonergan has made a real contribution to the story of our country. He has written with genuine interest and feeling as only a native Ticonderogian could. When he describes Mt. Defiance, Mt. Independence, the lakes, the valleys and the battlegrounds, he does so with the familiarity and feeling of long and intimate association. This history is exciting, authentic, and interesting. It covers the military history of Ticonderoga from Champlain's battle with the Iroquois in 1609 to the year 1781 when the British finally fled from Fort Ticonderoga and left it, as Mr. Lonergan says, 'to loneliness, the scream of gulls, lashing storms, burning suns and moaning winds'"--Jacket
Ticonderoga (N.Y.) History.
Fort Ticonderoga (N.Y.)
Ticonderoga (N.Y.) Histoire.
New York (State) Fort Ticonderoga
New York (State) Ticonderoga
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316274
Cote: 316274
Statut: Disponible
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