Detail, cottage and constructive architecture; containing 75 large lithographic plates, published under the direction of A.J. Bicknell, showing a great variety of designs for cornices, brackets, windows, window caps, doors, piazzas [etc.] ...
Entrée principale:

Bicknell, A. J. (Amos Jackson)

Titre et auteur:

Detail, cottage and constructive architecture; containing 75 large lithographic plates, published under the direction of A.J. Bicknell, showing a great variety of designs for cornices, brackets, windows, window caps, doors, piazzas [etc.] ...


New York, A.J. Bicknell & Co., 1873.


2 preliminary leaves frontispiece, 75 plates (including plans) 35 cm

Advertising matter: 8 p. (at end).
Block of four stores: Style, English Gothic. -- Twenty-eight designs and illustrations for cornices and belt courses. -- Eighteen designs and illustrations for cornices and brackets. -- Twelve designs for brackets. -- Twelve designs and illustrations for brick cornices and chimney tops. -- Stone cottage, with brick dressings. -- Nineteen designs for windows. -- Twenty designs for windows. -- Fourteen designs and illustrations for window caps. -- Ten designs and illustrations for dormer windows. -- Twenty-seven designs, details and sections of bay and dormer windows. -- Oriel bay and dormer windows. -- Design for cottage: Style, domestic Gothic. -- Detail of design, Plate 15. -- Four designs for front doors. -- Six designs for interior finish for doors and windows. -- Design for interior finish for doors and windows, and wainscoting. -- Twenty designs and details for door and window finish. -- Villa, two cottages, summer house, well house and fencing. -- Plans and details of Italian villa, shown on Plate 21. -- Eleven designs and illustrations for piazzas. -- Four designs for piazzas. -- Two designs and details for piazzas. -- Design for a porch, with balcony, showing front and vestibule doors. -- Designs and detail of veranda and porch. -- Design of suburban residence. -- Detail of design, shown on Plate 28. -- Design for observatory and towers. -- Five designs for balconies, canopies and porches. -- Two designs for sawed ornaments.
Four designs for gable ornaments. -- Ten designs for sawed ornaments. -- Fifty-three designs and illustrations for scrolls and brackets. -- Perspective view, front and side elevations and plans of suburban residence. -- Two designs for gables, in the modern Swiss style. -- Four designs for fences. -- Two designs for stairs. -- Fifteen designs for newels, hand rails and balusters. -- Design for suburban cottage. -- Details of design, Plate 41. -- Twenty-six designs for architraves and base, and seven designs for plaster cornices. -- Six designs for plaster cornices and ceilings. -- Designs for mantels and mantel with mirror. -- Designs for one-story French cottage, with tower. -- Details of design, Plate 46. -- Designs for a Swiss summer house, etc. -- Design for Swiss porch, balconies, etc. -- Design and section for a two-story suburban residence. -- Details of design, Plate 50. -- Designs for street fronts for dwellings. -- Design for French flat. -- Two-story French roof and basement, arranged for two families. -- Designs for one-story store fronts. -- Designs for store fronts. -- Fittings for stores. -- Designs for banking houses and store counters. -- Designs for bank counters and office screens. -- Design for Gothic cottage, with tower. -- Framing of design, Plate 62 and 63. -- Design for two-story cottage. -- Balloon frame for small cottage. -- Frame for Gothic residence. -- Frame for small double house, with mansard roof. -- Frame for a small side hill barn. -- Frame for a large barn. -- Frame for exhibition buildings. -- Framing for roofs. -- Framing for bridges. -- Nine elevations for cottages and villas. -- Six elevations of summer houses and sea side cottages.

"Seventy five lithographs plates (most with multiple images) plus lithographic frontispiece -- many plates are tinted, Included are forty-five perspectives, elevations and plans of designs for cottages with details, eighteen elevations of Summer Houses, Villas, Sea-Side-Cottages and Country Houses; together with fourteen designs for Street and Store Fronts, with Inside Finish for Stores and Banks. Seven pages of adverts including color lithographic examples of encaustic tiles, bronzed hinges and door belts."--Abebooks website


Architecture, Domestic Designs and plans.
Architecture Details.
Architecture domestique Dessins et plans.
Architecture Détails.
Architecture, Domestic.
Architecture Designs and plans


Architectural drawings.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 63528
Cote: 192; ID:85-B8337
Statut: Disponible


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