Comstock, William T.
Modern architectural designs and details : containing eighty finely lithographed plates : showing new and original designs in the Queen Anne, Eastlake, Elizabethan and other modernized styles : giving perspective views, floor and framing plans, elevation sections and a great variety of miscellaneous exterior and interior details of dwellings of moderate cost ; also, a number of designs of low priced cottages in the various popular styles, adapted to the requirements of seaside and summer resorts, and suburban and country places ; also, several designs for modern store and office fronts, counters, shelvings, etc., etc., comprising original drawings by a number of prominent architects of different localities, prepared expressly for this work.
New York : William T. Comstock, architectural publisher, [1881]
4 unnumbered pages, 80 leaves of plates : illustrations, plans ; 36 cm
Architecture, Domestic United States Designs and plans.
Architecture, Queen Anne Designs and plans.
Architecture, Elizabethan Designs and plans.
Decoration and ornament Queen Anne style.
Decoration and ornament, Elizabethan.
Architecture domestique États-Unis Dessins et plans.
Architecture Queen Anne Dessins et plans.
Architecture élisabéthaine Dessins et plans.
Décoration et ornement Style Queen Anne.
Décoration et ornement élisabéthains.
Architecture, Queen Anne
Architecture, Elizabethan
Architecture, Domestic
United States
Architectural drawings
William T. Comstock Company.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 121132
Cote: X229; ID:85-B20505
Statut: Disponible
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