Cook, J. M. (John Manuel)
The Greeks in Ionia and the East / J.M. Cook.
London : Thames and Hudson, 1962.
268 pages, 20 leaves of plates : illustrations ; 21 cm
Ancient peoples and places ; v. 31
Cooks surveys the history, thought, and art of the Greeks in Ionia and the East from the Late Bronze Age to the Roman period. The subject does not offer a clear unity of material, topographically of culturally, and as a result the book is really two in one. The first is really about East Greece - not just Ionia - and here the reader gets the full value of the author's personal experience of the ground and of the problems of its archaeology and history. The archeological parts are especially good (...). Apart from the relations of the East Greeks with their immediate neighbors the story of the Greeks in the East is really another matter.
Greeks Turkey.
Griekse oudheid.
Greece History.
Greece Antiquities.
Grèce Histoire.
Grèce Antiquités.
Turkey Civilization Greek influences.
Grèce antique
Ancient peoples and places (Thames and Hudson) ; v. 31.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 90399
Cote: ID:93-B2754
Statut: Disponible
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