Design and living / E.A. Plishke.
Entrée principale:

Plischke, Ernst A., 1903-1992.

Titre et auteur:

Design and living / E.A. Plishke.


Wellington, N.Z., Dept. of Internal Affairs, 1947.


92 p. illus., plans. 28 cm.


New Zealand and the future

Also published: Army Education Welfare Service, 1947. Bagnall, P655.
Includes bibliographical references, (p.ii)
Bagnall, P654

"This booklet is an attempt ot show that we of the twentieth century can live our ordinary everyday lives in an environment properly designed for the purpose -- if only we wish to do so. Design is important: we can live better with design than without it. Design is not something fancy. In writing I have tried to make it plain that the design of a good chair, a good house or a good town must work well, and must us eht most suitable materials and construction, but that both of thee qualiites must be a real, "organic" part of some creative conception ... The utilitarian and aesthetic approaches to planning are not fundamentally opposed. The difference is one of emphasis only ... A well designed chair of today and a fine town of five hundred years ago have in common this fundamental characteristic of creative quality. So, in the early remarks of this booklet, about the design of a chair, can equally well be applied to when, at the end, we come to plan a town ..." -- Note p. [1].
Explores the relationship between lifestyle and design, in terms of furniture, architecture and town planning. Published at a time of post war urban growth in Wellington and Auckland. Includes examples of proposals for suburbs in these areas and the modern design considerations underpinning these plans eg. proposed civic centre for Naenae, State housing developments at Trentham, community centre for Mount Roskill.


Architectural design.
City planning.
Industrial design.
Design architectural.
design (discipline)
industrial design.
Architecture, Domestic
Regional planning
Cities Plans.



Vedettes secondaires:

New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs.
New Zealand. Internal Affairs Department.
New Zealand and the future.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 38814
Cote: W5708; ID:88-B9584
Statut: Disponible


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