Buildings for commerce and industry / edited by Charles King Hoyt.
Titre et auteur:

Buildings for commerce and industry / edited by Charles King Hoyt.


New York : McGraw-Hill, ©1978.


ix, 228 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm.

"An Architectural record book."
Includes index.
The growing importance of architecture and design -- Chapter 1: Shops and boutiques -- Design for merchandising -- Clarity -- Boldness -- Intimacy -- Flexibility -- Complexity -- Economy -- Efficiency -- Inventiveness -- Bookstore for the Museum of Modern Art -- Vidal Sassoon -- Showroom of MEC Design International -- Charlie's Grls Hng Tn -- Lincoln Memorial bookshop and Renwich Gallery museum shop -- Orthogonality -- The Gap -- The record store -- Best products company -- Chapter 2: Shopping centers and department stores -- New directions for downtown and suburban shopping centers -- Broadway plaza -- Baystate West -- Crown Center -- Jack London Village -- Remodeling of Stamford Shopping Center -- The Bazaar at the Village Green -- Burdines Department Store -- Bullock's South Coast Plaza -- Berdorf-Goodman -- Neiman-Marcus Frontenac Fashion Center -- Nagle Lumber Company -- Kenton Center -- Chapter 3: Banks and branch banks -- Commercial and Industrial Bank -- Golden West Savings -- Hamilton National Bank -- American Savings Bank -- Andover Savings Bank -- Hanover National Bank -- Pontchartrain State Bank -- Mercantile Bank -- Beatties Ford Road Branch Bank, North Carolina National Bank -- Branches of the First National Bank in Albuquerque -- Corporate headquarters, Bank of Suffolk County -- J. Henry Schroeder Banking Corporation -- County Federal Savings and Loan -- Northpark National Bank -- Chapter 4: Office buildings and corporate headquarters -- Worchester County National Bank -- The Bank of Tokyo -- Citizens Bank Center -- 1234 Market Street East -- Kissinger Petroleums/LTD/Headquarters buildings -- Bank of Canada -- Butler Square -- Johns-Manville World Headquarters -- Westinghouse, medium-speed elevator division -- Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis -- United States Embassy office building of Tokyo -- Chapter 5: Industrial buildings -- Maschinenfabrik Heberlein and Company -- Fagersta Steels Inc. -- Gordon Engineering Co. -- Walesboro components plant -- Chipper Machines and Engineering Co. -- Westinghouse Steam and Gas Turbine Plant -- U.S. Headquarters, Seiko Instruments Inc. -- Roure Betrand Dupont, Inc. -- Westinghouse Underground Distribution plant -- Lehigh Valley Brewery -- Buckman Laboratories, Phase one -- Warn Industries -- Dow Chemical Co. in Michigan -- Saginaw Road development plan -- BP Oil Co. -- The Republic -- Parker Hannifin Corp. -- P.J. Carroll & Co. -- Hewlett Packard Microelectronics Plant -- Chapter 6: Industry-related buildings -- Fitchburg Wastewater treatment facilities -- Plattsburg water pollution control plant -- Windsor Winery -- Printing plant and office for the Logan Leader/The News Democrat -- Western headquarters, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons -- Utica central power house -- Easton data center -- Kelmer Arlington industrial building -- Allied Chemical Corp. material research center -- IBM sytem development division facility -- Kaiser center for technology -- IBM Santa Teresa laboratory -- Index.



Commercial buildings United States.
Office buildings United States.
Architecture, Industrial United States.
Immeubles commerciaux États-Unis.
Immeubles de bureaux États-Unis.
Commercial buildings.
Office buildings.
United States.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hoyt, Charles King.
Architectural Record.
Architectural record.
Architectural record book.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 110484
Cote: ID:86-B22313
Statut: Disponible


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