The organ : its evolution, principles of construction, and use / byWilliam Leslie Sumner.
Entrée principale:

Sumner, William Leslie, 1904-1973, author.

Titre et auteur:

The organ : its evolution, principles of construction, and use / byWilliam Leslie Sumner.


Second edition.


London : MacDonald, [1955]


xiii, 466 pages, 24 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 23 cm

"A selection of organ specifications": pages 361-451.
The organ of the ancients -- The mediaeval organ -- From gothic to Renaissance organ -- The Baroque organ in Europe and the organ of Bach -- The organ in Britain until the nineteenth century. Organ-building until the commonwealth ; The commonwealth ; The Restoration and after ; The development of the pedal organ in England ; The introduction of the swell organ -- The organ in the New World -- The organ from the time of Bach to the present. The eighteenth century ; The nineteenth century ; The organ in Britain ; The twentieth century and the neo-classical organ -- The principles of the construction of the organ. The position of the organ, and some acoustical considerations ; The organ case -- The production of sound in the organ. The scales of organ pipes ; Temperament and tuning -- The tonal structure of the organ. A classification of organ stops ; Glossary of organ stops -- Organ mechanism and action. Mechanical, pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and electric actions ; Console equipment ; The extension organ ; The wind supply -- The study and use of the organ. Phrasing and manual touch ; The pedals ; Organ registration ; Bach and the technique of the organ -- Appendix. A selection of organ specifications.

Organ (Musical instrument) History.
Orgue Histoire.
Organ (Musical instrument)




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Cote: ID CORM24e; ID:90-B1467
Statut: Disponible


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