Great houses of Europe. Photos. by Edwin Smith.
Entrée principale:

Sitwell, Sacheverell, 1897-1988, editor.

Titre et auteur:

Great houses of Europe. Photos. by Edwin Smith.


London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson [1961]


318 pages illustrations (some color) 33 cm

Introduction / Sacheverell Sitwell -- Ducal Palace Urbino : The Renaissance ideal of a preincely residence -- Chateaudun : A fortress transformed into a palace -- Casa de pilatos : Cool courtyards in the heart of Seville -- Villa Lante : Twin pavillions in a water-garden -- Schloss Tratzberg : A Tirolean castle unspoiled by time -- Palazzo del te : 'Chambers of transgression, now forlorn!' -- Chambord : A French château of ingenious vastness -- Villa d'este : A Cardinal's villa amoung the cypresses and cascades -- Egeskov : The proud memorial of a Danish nobleman -- Villa Barbaro, maser : Palladio's charming villa, embellished by Veronese -- Hardwick Hall : Elizabethan architecture at its most adventurous -- Caprarola : Vignola's masterpiece in the Monti Cimini -- Hotel Lambert : A President's house on an island in the Seine -- Château de tanlay a : A splendid union of stone and clear water -- Isola bella : Grandeur which does not destroy romance -- Vaux-le-vicomte : The most splendid house and garden in all France -- Wilton : A classical scene created by centuries of discernment -- Drottningholm : The white palace of the Swedish Royal Family -- Palacio Liria : The Alba town-house with its superb art-collection -- Blenheim Palace : 'England's biggest house for England's biggest man' -- 475 Heerengracht : A fine example of a Dutch patrician town- house -- Palais Schwarzenberg : the grandson preserves the dees of his ancestors -- Palazzo Labia : A Venetian palace immortalized by Tiepolo -- The Nymphenburg : The airy palace of the Bavarian Electors -- Stupinigi : Juvara's hunting-lodge in Piedmont -- Pommesfelden : The ease and spaciousness of German Baroque -- Brühl : The pleasure-palace of an Archbishop -- The residenz. Würzburg : The highest flight of Baroque daring -- Claydon : A smaller English country-house of delightful elegance -- Russborough : The Palladian facade of an Irish country-house -- Sans Souci : A retreat for a philosopher-king -- Benrath : A marvel of delicacy and ingenuity -- Syon House : A house transformed by Adam with imperial lavishness -- Youssoupoff Palace : The shade of Rasputin stirs beneath these saloons -- Queluz : A rose-pink palace set in a water-garden -- Petit Trianon : The jewel of de Pompador and Marie Antoinette -- Arbury Hall : Tudor in origin, gothicized in the 18th century -- Hotel D'hane-Steenhuyse : The King's retreat during the hundred days -- Lazienki : The island-palace of the last King of Poland -- Casita de Labrador : 'A little corner of France beside the Tagus'.

Palaces Europe.
Architecture, Domestic Europe.
Palais Europe.
Architecture domestique Europe.
Architecture, Domestic.

Vedettes secondaires:

Smith, Edwin, 1912-1971, photographer.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 47025
Cote: W4758; ID:89-B627
Statut: Disponible


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