Adams, William Howard.
The French garden, 1500-1800 / William Howard Adams.
London : Scolar Press, 1979.
159 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
From Renaissance to revolution, the garderners of France drew inspiration from many sources to construct paradises on earth. Monarchs and nobles gave their commands, and generations of the finest artists built upon the work of their predecessors until the French astonished the world with the splendour of their gardens. Mr. Adams's account begins in 1494 when Charles VIII invaded Naples. The French were amazed by the gardens of Poggio Reale and La Duchesca, and on their withdrawal took Italian designers and craftsmen with them. This reverse invasion was the source of a host of new ideas in French garden design. New philosophical and aesthetic concepts, and political ambitions of patrons, pushed the Fench garden into a dominating position in European culture. William Howard Adams uses a wealth of contemporary illustrations to trace this rise to pre-eminence. He also chronicles the eventual declines of the French garden with a shift in fashion in the later eighteenth century, a change based on an entirely new notion of the relationship of nature, order and landscape. -- Book jacket.
Gardens, French History.
Jardins français Histoire.
Gardens, French.
Französischer Garten
Jardins France 1500-1800.
jardin à la française 16e s. 19e s.
landscape architecture
ruimtelijke ordening
physical planning
Landscape Architecture (General)
Landschapsarchitectuur (algemeen)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 78607
Cote: W11732; ID:84-B582
Statut: Disponible
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