Frost, Stanley Brice.
McGill University : for the advancement of learning / Stanley Brice Frost.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, ©1980-©1984.
2 volumes : illustrations ; 26 cm
James McGill is an important figure in Canada's history in his own right. The bequest made in 1813 for the founding of a university of which one college was to bear his name only increased that significance. The political tensions of Lower Canada delayed implementation of his plans for sixteen years; and then it was only by incorporating the Montreal Medical Institution as Faculty of Medicine that in 1829 a beginning could be made. Thirty years after his death, the Faculty of Arts was finally established, but not until the trustee-body known as the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning was moved from Quebec City to Montreal and established as its board of governors did McGill College begin to revive and hold out promise of a respectable future.
0773503536 (v. 1)
9780773503533 (v. 1)
0773504222 (v. 2)
9780773504226 (v. 2)
McGill University History.
McGill University Histoire.
McGill University
Universities and colleges Canada History.
Education, Higher Canada History.
Enseignement supérieur Canada Histoire.
Education, Higher
Universities and colleges
Dust jackets (Binding) Québec Montréal 20th century. CaBViV
Inscriptions (Provenance) 20th century. CaBViV
McGill University for the advancement of learning
Localisation: Bibliothèque main montreal 95571
Cote: LE3.M22.F76 (ID:85-B14339)
Exemplaire: v. 1
Statut: Prêt externe
Localisation: Bibliothèque main montreal 95572
Cote: LE3.M22.F76 (ID:85-B14339)
Exemplaire: v. 2
Statut: Prêt externe
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