Itten, Johannes, 1888-1967.
Kunst der Farbe; subjektives Erleben und objektives Erkennen als Wege zur Kunst.
Ravensburg, O. Maier [1961]
155 pages mounted illustrations (some color) 29 x 32 cm
In this book, the world's foremost color theorist examines two different approaches to understanding the art of color. Subjective feelings and objective color principles are described in detail and clarified by color reproductions. Itten's work on color is said to be an inspiration for seasonal color analysis. Indeed, Itten had been the first to associate color palettes with four types of people, and had designated those types with the names of seasons. His studies of color palettes and color interaction directly influenced the Op Art movement and other color abstraction base movements. Shortly after his death, his designations gained popularity in the cosmetics industry with the publication of Color Me A Season. Cosmetologists today continue to use seasonal color analysis, a tribute to the early work of Itten--Information provided by Eric Chaim Kline, bookseller.
Color Psychological aspects.
Painting Technique.
Color psychology.
Couleur Aspect psychologique.
Beeldende kunsten.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 214355
Cote: ND37.I91.A35 1961
Statut: Disponible
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