America as Americans see it / edited by Fred J. Ringel ; illustrated by over 100 American artists.
Titre et auteur:

America as Americans see it / edited by Fred J. Ringel ; illustrated by over 100 American artists.


First edition.


New York : The Literary Guild, 1932.
Rahway, N.J. : Printed ... by Quinn & Boden Company, Inc.


xviii, 365 pages, 62 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm

Foreward / by Fred J. Ringel -- The open spaces and the American myth / by R.L. Duffus ; introducted by Frank Ernest Hill -- The surviving pioneer spirit / by E. Douglas Branch ; introduced by Charles Brown Nelson -- The times and the towns / by Sherwood Anderson ; introduced by himself -- The heart of American industry / by Stuart Chase ; introduced by Ordway Tead -- American brotherhood / by John Chapman Hilder ; introduced by Richard Connell -- The scenery of the United States / by Walter Prichard Eaton ; introduced by John Held, Jr. -- America buildings skyward / by Harvey Wiley Corbett ; introduced by A. Thornton Bishop -- The passing American / by Frank B. Linderman ; introduced by Earl Newsom -- Cowboy and dude ranches / by Will James ; introduced by Henry Hart -- Hollywood: the blessed and the cursed / by R.E. Sherwood ; introduced by K.S. Crichton -- What does America read? / by Clifton Fadiman ; introduced by Mark Van Doren -- Our island theatre / by John Mason Brown ; introduced by J. Brooks Atkinson -- Love and romance / by Faith Baldwin ; introduced by Achmed Abdullah -- The wings of an ostrich / by Muriel Draper ; introduced by J.O.H. Cosgrave -- Women: types and movements / by Doris E. Fleischman ; introduced by Edward L. Bernays -- The business of American sports / by John R. Tunis ; introduced by Joseph Brewer -- Worshiping the American hero / by Bruce Bliven ; introduced by George Soule -- On American thought / by Scott Buchanan ; introduced by Everett Dean Martin -- Black America / by W.E. Burghardt du Bois ; introduced by Walter White -- "Back to Africa" / by Robert L. Ephraim ; introduced by the editor -- The creative negro / by James Weldon Johnson ; introduced by Countee Cullen -- Chicago / by Henry Justin Smith ; introduced by Harry Hansen -- Crime and racketeering / Anonymous ; introduced by N.N. -- Graft in America / by Upton Sinclair ; introduced by McAlister Coleman -- The American radical / by Gardner Jackson ; introduced by Morris L. Ernst -- American society and near-society / by Clare Boothe Brokaw ; introduced by Ernest Boyd -- The American: how he lives / by Walter B. Pitkin ; introduced by N.N. -- The American at leisure / by Elmer Davis ; introduced by Frederick Lewis Allen -- New York year by year / by O.O. McIntyre ; introduced by Meredith Nicholson -- Higher education / by Clarence Cook Little ; introcued by Edward Eyre Hunt -- College life / by John Held, Jr. ; introduced by R. E. Sherwood -- The younger writers / by Malcolm Cowley ; introduced by Matthew Josephson -- American art today / by Holger Cahill ; introduced by Henry McBride -- Censorship / by Arthur Garfield Hays ; introduced by Clarence Darrow -- American music / by Pitts Sanborn ; introduced by Lawrence Gilman -- Advertising and mass psychology / by Silas Bent ; introduced by Hewitt H. Howland -- Art in American industry / by René Clarke ; introduced by Earnest Elmo Calkins -- "News" - Photography / by Edward Steichen ; introduced by Frank Crowninshield -- Chain stores / by John T. Flynn ; introduced by James C. Derieux -- Radio thrills / by Graham McNamee ; introduced by M.H. Aylesworth -- Gambling in Wall Street / by Fred C. Kelly ; introduced by Booth Tarkington -- The hoboes of America / by Jim Tully ; introduced by Ben B. Lindsey -- Expatriate 1931 / by Samuel Putnam ; introduced by V.F. Calverton -- The newspaper "game" / by Robert Benchley ; introduced by Marc Connelly -- American humor / by Gilbert Seldes ; introduced by Isaac Goldberg / A neighbor looks at America / by Stephen Leacock ; introduced by Maximilian Elser, Jr..

Social conditions
United States Civilization.
United States Social conditions.
États-Unis Civilisation.
États-Unis Conditions sociales.
United States



Vedettes secondaires:

Ringel, Fred J. (Fred Julius), 1904- editor.
Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941.
Calverton, V. F. (Victor Francis), 1900-1940.
Cowley, Malcolm, 1898-1989.
Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938.
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968.
Tarkington, Booth, 1869-1946.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 15401
Cote: ID:87-B4569
Statut: Disponible


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