History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania / by Henry Graham Ashmead.
Entrée principale:

Ashmead, Henry Graham, 1838-1920, author.

Titre et auteur:

History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania / by Henry Graham Ashmead.


Philadelphia : L. H. Everts & Co., 1884.
Philadelphia : Press of J. B. Lippincott & Co.


x, 767, [1] pages, 136 leaves of plates : illustrations, portraits, maps ; 28 cm

Township histories by A. N. Hungerford and others.
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter I. Physical geography and geology of Delaware County.--Chapter II. The early settlement of Delaware County to the grant of the province to William Penn.--Chapter III. The circular boundary line between Delaware County and the state of Delaware.--Chapter IV. William Penn's first voyage to his province in 1682. The change of the name Upland to Chester, and reason it was made.--Chapter V. The first assembly of Pennsylvania, and the house wherein it met.--Chapter VI. The colonial history to the War of the Revolution.--Chapter VII. The Revolutionary struggle to the Battle of Brandywine.--Chapter VIII. The Battle of Brandywine.--Chapter IX. From the defeat at Brandywine to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.--Chapter X. From the Revolutionary War to the erection of Delaware County.--Chapter XI. From the erection of the County of Delaware to the second war with Great Britain.--Chapter XII. The second war with England.--Chapter XIII. From the second war with England to 1850.--Chapter XIV. Storms, freshets, and earthquakes.--Chapter XV. The Ten-Hour Movement.--Chapter XVI. The removal of the county-seat to Media.--Chapter XVII. The Civil War.--Chapter XVIII. Crimes and punishments.--Chapter XIX. Manners and customs. How inhabitants of Delaware County lived in former years.--Chapter XX. Traveling and transportation, with an account of the railroads in the county.--Chapter XXI. Redemptioners and slavery in Delaware County.--Chapter XXII. Agriculture, with a brief mention of our domestic animals.--Chapter XXIII. Wild animals, fish, etc., of Delaware County.--Chapter XXIV. Delaware County climate, together with notices of remarkable weather.--Chapter XXV. The court, bench, and bar of Delaware County.--Chapter XXVI. Physicians and medical societies.--Chapter XXVII. Civil lists.--Chapter XXVIII. The Township of Tinicum.--Chapter XXIX. Aston Township.--Chapter XXX. Bethel Township.--Chapter XXXI. Birmingham Township.--Chapter XXXII. City of Chester.--Chapter XXXIII. Chester Township.--Chapter XXXIV. Borough of Upland.--Chapter XXXV. South Chester Borough.--Chapter XXXVI. North Chester Borough.--Chapter XXXVII. Upper Chichester Township.--Chapter XXXVIII. Lower Chichester Township.--Chapter XXXIX. Concord Township.--Chapter XL. Darby Township.--Chapter XLI. Darby Borough.--Chapter XLII. Upper Darby Township.--Chapter XLIII. Edgmont Township.--Chapter XLIV. Haverford Township.--Chapter XLV. Marple Township.--Chapter XLVI. Borough of Media.--Chapter XLVII. Middletown Township.--Chapter XLVIII. Newtown Township.--Chapter XLIX. Nether-Providence Township.--Chapter L. Upper Providence Township.--Chapter LI. Radnor Township.--Chapter LII. Thornbury Township.--Chapter LIII. Springfield Township.--Chapter LIV. Ridley Township.

Delaware County (Pa.) History.
Delaware County (Pa.) Biography.
Pennsylvania Delaware County.
Delaware County (PA.) Biography.
Delaware County (PA.) History.



Vedettes secondaires:

Hungerford, Austin N.
L.H. Everts & Co., publisher.
J.B. Lippincott & Co., printer.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 24102
Cote: ID:88-B1049
Statut: Disponible


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