Monumenta Graeca et Romana / edited by H.F. Mussche.
Titre et auteur:

Monumenta Graeca et Romana / edited by H.F. Mussche.


Leiden : Brill, 1963-


volumes : illustrations ; 30 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
v. 1. Onatas of Aegina / José Dörig -- v. 2. Greek architecture / edited by H.F. Mussche -- v. 3. Euphranor / by Olga Palagia -- v. 4. Late Helladic citadels on mainland Greece / by Spyros E. Iakovidis -- v. 5. Greek minor arts / Cl. Rolley -- v. 6. The Olympia master and his collaborators / by José Dörig -- v. 7. The pediments of the Parthenon / by Olga Palagia -- v. 8. Roman marble quarries in southern Euboea and the associated road systems / by Doris Vanhove -- v. 9. Gallo-Roman bronzes and the process of Romanization : the Cobannus hoard / by John Pollini -- v. 10. Mutilation and transformation : damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture / by Eric R. Varner -- v. 11. Horos Dios : an Athenian shrine and cult of Zeus / by Gerald V. Lalonde -- v. 12. Corinthian and Attic vases in the Detroit Institute of Arts. -- v. 13. The Ancient Glass / by Beaudoin Caron D ẻs L. -- v. 14. The Villanovan, Etruscan and Hellenistic collections in the Detroit Institute of Arts / by David A. Caccioli -- v. 15. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Collection of Mediterranean Antiquities : pt. 2. the terracotta objects / by Eleni P. Zoitopoulou Lic Phil -- v. 16. The art of the Hekatompedon inscription and the birth of the Stoikhedon Style / by Patricia A. Butz -- v. 17. The early black-figured pottery of Attika in context (c.630-570 BCE) -- v. 18. From face to face, recarving of Roman portraits and the late-antique protrait arts / by Marina Prusac -- v. 19. Polis and personification in classical Athenian art / by Amy C. Smith -- v. 20. The ceremonial scupltures of the Roman gods / by Brian Madigan -- v. 21. Museum archetypes and collecting in the ancient world -- v. 22. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Collection of Mediterranean Antiquities ; volume [part] 3: The metal objects and the gems -- v. 24. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, collection of Mediterranean antiquities, volume 4: The Coptic textiles -- v. 27. New approaches to ancient material culture in the Greek & Roman world : 21st-century methods and classical antiquity / edited by C.L. Cooper.

Art, Greek.
Art, Roman.
Classical antiquities.
Art romain.
Antiquités gréco-romaines.
classical archaeology.

Vedettes secondaires:

Mussche, H. F., editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 310
Cote: PO13838; ID:87-B18948
Exemplaire: v. 2, FASc. 1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309
Cote: PO13838; ID:87-B18948
Exemplaire: v. 2, FASc. 2
Statut: Disponible


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