The complete book of edible landscaping / Rosalind Creasy ; illustrations by Marcia Kier-Hawthorne.
Entrée principale:

Creasy, Rosalind, author.

Titre et auteur:

The complete book of edible landscaping / Rosalind Creasy ; illustrations by Marcia Kier-Hawthorne.


San Francisco : Sierra Club Books, [1982]


xiv, 379 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 365-370) and index.
Introduction: Welcome to the Edible Landscape -- Foodscaping and How to Do It -- The Joy of Edibles -- Food Without Chemicals -- How Safe Are Pesticides? -- Growth Regulators -- The Problem of Testing -- The Money Motive -- How Much Time Do You Have? -- How Much Space Do You Have? -- Will You Preserve Your Produce? -- Will You Compost? -- What Will Your Water Costs Be? -- Selecting Plants for Savings -- The Pleasure Factor -- Landscaping for a Small Planet -- Water Conservation -- Energy Conservation -- Saving Household Energy -- Solar Energy -- Agricultural Energy Use -- The Untouched-by-Human-Hands Tomato -- Energy-Conserving Landscaping Practices -- Soil Conservation -- Organic Matter -- Erosion -- Soil Contamination and the Chemical Question -- Lead Pollution -- Fertilizers -- Pesticides -- Gardening Without Chemicals -- The Evolution of Landscaping -- A Brief History of Landscape Gardening -- In Ancient Times -- The Medieval Era -- The Renaissance -- The Rise of the Pastoral Landscape -- The Victorian Period -- Twentieth-Century Styles -- Aesthetic Considerations -- Design Elements -- Levels of Formality -- Design Principles -- Themes -- Surrounding Areas -- The Total Effect -- Landscaping Styles for a Resource-Conscious Age -- For the Homeowner -- For the Planet -- Natural Gardens -- Laying the Groundwork -- Putting It on Paper -- Analysis and Troubleshooting -- Soil Types -- Soil Problems -- Exposure and Wind Direction -- Unusual Features -- Health of Existing Plants -- Adjacent Areas -- Planning for Utility and Enjoyment -- Functions -- Time and Effort Requirements -- Working Out Your Budget -- Zoning Restrictions -- Environmental Planning -- Landscaping for Climate Control -- Resource Conservation -- Elements of the Landscape: Structures -- Recycled Materials -- Surface Areas -- Patio Covers -- Arbors and Gazebos -- Containers and Planter Boxes -- Fences and Walls -- Pools -- Elements of the Landscape: Plant Materials -- Some Common Poisonous Ornamentals -- Criteria for Plant Selection -- Choosing Edibles -- Designing with Edibles -- Choosing a Design: A Test Case -- Carrying Out the Design -- Design Styles and Techniques -- The Espalier -- Decorative Techniques for Annual Vegetables -- Shrub Borders Containing Edibles -- Perennial Borders Containing Edibles -- Hobby Gardens -- Orchards -- Edibles in Containers -- Parts of the Property: Regional Treatments -- Entryways -- Sideyards -- Patio Areas -- Backyards -- Small-Area Landscaping -- Designing the Small Garden -- The Illusion of Space -- Small-Garden Problems -- Training Techniques -- Energy-Saving Techniques -- Subdivision Yards -- Container Gardening -- A Condominium Container Garden -- Special Requirements -- Plants for Hanging Baskets -- Composting in Small Areas -- Intensive Gardening -- Preparing the Bed -- Planting the Double-Dug Bed -- Edible Plants for the Small Garden -- Planting and Maintenance -- Seeding and Planting -- Preparing the Soil -- Starting From Seed -- Planting Annuals -- Planting Trees and Shrubs -- Maintaining the Edible Landscape -- Plant Nutrients -- Fertilizing -- Composting -- Mulching -- Watering -- Maintaining a Lawn -- Pruning -- Hand Tools -- Recommended Garden Tools and Equipment -- Weeds, Pests, and Other Problems -- Weed Control -- Pest Control -- A Pheromone Trap for Codling Moths -- Disease Control -- How to Use Soil Solarization -- Problems with Wildlife -- An Encyclopedia of Edibles -- Introduction to the Encyclopedia -- Encyclopedia Entries -- How to Obtain Plant Materials -- Sharing and Saving -- Horticultural Organizations and Seed Exchanges -- State Forestry and Agricultural Departments -- Cut-Rate Plants -- A Word About Nurseries -- Local Retail Nurseries -- Mail-Order Nurseries -- Sources of Edible Plants -- Sources of Nonedible Plants -- Suppliers of Nonplant Material -- Recipes and Food Preserving -- Wildflower and Native Plant Information.

"Home landscaping with food-bearing plants and resource-saving techniques"--Jacket subtitle.


0871562782 (pbk.)
9780871562784 (pbk.)


Edible landscaping.
Plants, Edible.
Organic gardening.
Vegetable gardening.
Jardins Architecture.
Plantes comestibles.
Jardinage biologique.
Horticulture potagère.
Horticulture fruitière.
Aménagement paysager comestible.
landscape gardening.
organic gardening.
Edible plants.
Landscape gardening.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 126415
Cote: 9145; ID:85-B21960
Statut: Disponible


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