Downsbrough, Peter.
In place / [Peter Downsbrough].
[New York?] : [Peter Downsbrough], 1977 (New York : Westmore Litho)
34 unnumbered pages : photographs ; 18 cm
Paying homage to a site of extraordinary urban transience, Downsbrough's work isolates one photograph within a void of pages ("a place" . . . "here"...). Using only these words as introduction, one gets the feeling of having moved through a book that is as much about passing through as it is about stopping. - Printed Matter.
Downsbrough, Peter.
Streets New York (State) New York Pictorial works.
Artists' books United States.
Rues New York (État) New York Ouvrages illustrés.
Livres d'artistes États-Unis.
Artists' books
New York (State) New York
United States
American Conceptual artists.
American Photographers.
Artists' books.
artists' books (books)
Illustrated works
Livres d'artistes.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 225621
Cote: N44.D751.A35 1977
Statut: Disponible
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