Whitney, Charles S. (Charles Smith), 1892-
Bridges, their art, science, and evolution / Charles S. Whitney ; with a new foreword by Larry Spiller.
New York : Greenwich House : Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1983, ©1929.
360 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
From the earliest times when bridges were just logs or stepping stones placed across streams or small gullies, to the modern era with its complicated, highly engineered structures of stone, concrete and steel, bridge building has evolved into a sophisticated marriage of architecture and engineering--an aesthetically pleasing blend of art and science. This illustrated study explores that evolution by examining the principles of bridge design and construction from the times of the Romans to the first decades of the twentieth century.
0517402440 (Crown)
9780517402443 (Crown)
bridges (built works)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 45645
Cote: PO13891; ID:89-B4978
Statut: Disponible
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