Escaping the digital unease = Raus aus dem digitalen Unbehagen / Raffael Dörig, Domenico Quaranta (eds.).
Langenthal : Kunsthaus Langenthal ; [Basel] : Christoph Merian Verlag, c2017.
143 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 25 cm.
Constant activity in digital and analogue spaces leaves behind an increasingly diffuse feeling of unease, irrespective of how commonplace that activity may be. Meantime however, the marketing of social relations, the dissolution of the private sphere and the dominance of commercial actors are being perceived as a problem that demands an active interdisciplinary discourse. Media scientists and artists reflect here on that unease and present perspectives on and ways out of the excessive demands on users by way of the most recent research and artistic experiments.00The publication brings together essays on the most current developments in the net culture and provides insight into the international group exhibition featuring works by Olia Lialina, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud and Benjamin Grosser, among others.
9783856168445 paperback
3856168443 paperback
Art and technology Exhibitions.
Internet Social aspects Exhibitions.
Computer art Exhibitions.
New media art Exhibitions.
Social media in art Exhibitions.
Art et technologie Expositions.
Internet Aspect social Expositions.
Arts médiatiques Expositions.
Médias sociaux dans l'art Expositions.
Art numérique Expositions.
Exhibition catalogs.
Art and technology
Computer art
Internet Social aspects
New media art
Social media in art
Exhibition catalogs.
Dörig, Raffael, editor.
Quaranta, Domenico, editor.
Kunsthaus Langenthal.
Espace multimédia Gantner.
Raus aus dem digitalen Unbehagen
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299647
Cote: BIB 245800
Statut: Disponible
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