Eileen Gray : une architecture de l'intime = intimate architecture / sous la direction de = edited by Cloé Pitiot ; préface, Michael Likierman.
Orléans : HYX, [2017]
64 pages : illustrations (some color), plan, portraits ; 34 cm
Eileen Gray was one of the most emblematic figures of the art deco and modernist movements, having developed a new and intimate form of architecture over her 50-year career. Through her projects, and with great independence with regard to her contemporaries and critics, she anticipated the eternal movement of sensitivities, optimising the relation between space and furniture, defying conventions and uses, and advocating a return to emotion. This monograph is published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Centre Pompidou. The book features and illustrates many of Gray's designs and interiors, with essays by Cloé Pitiot, Renaud Barrés, and Tim Benton.
9782373820072 (hbk.)
Gray, Eileen, 1878-1976 Exhibitions.
Gray, Eileen, 1878-1976
Gray, Eileen 1878-1976
Art deco (Architecture) France Exhibitions.
Art déco (Architecture) France Expositions.
Art deco (Architecture)
Exhibition catalogs.
Pitiot, Cloé, editor, writer of supplementary textual content.
Barrès, Renaud, writer of supplementary textual content.
Benton, Tim, 1945- writer of supplementary textual content.
Likierman, Michael, writer of preface.
Gray, Eileen, 1878-1976. Works. Selections.
Centre Georges Pompidou, host institution.
Eileen Gray.
Eileen Gray. English.
Architecture de l'intime
Intimate architecture
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 298057
Cote: BIB 244353
Statut: Disponible
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