The Routledge companion to architecture and social engagement / edited by Farhan Karim.
Titre et auteur:

The Routledge companion to architecture and social engagement / edited by Farhan Karim.


New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.


xliv, 461 pages ; 27 cm.


Routledge companions

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface: Monumentality and insurgency / Arvind Rajagopal - Introduction: architecture and social engagement / Farhan Karim - Postscript: How and when architecture was socialy engaged? / Simon Sadler -- Part I. Engagement as Discourse. 1. What If ... or Toward a Progressive Understanding of Socially Engaged Architecture / By Tatjana Schneider - 2. Understanding Social Engagement in Architecture: Toward Situated Embodied and Critical Accounts / By Isabelle Doucet - 3. Toward an Architecture of the Public Good / By Tom Spector - 4. Radical Democracy and Spatial Practices / By Tahl Kaminer - Part II. Targets of Engagement. 5. Retracing the Emergence of a Human Settlements Approach: Designing in, from and With Contexts of Development / By Viviana d'Auria - 6. The United Nations and Self-Help Housing in the Tropics / ByNancy Kwak - 7. Tracing the History of Socially Engaged Architecture: School Building as Development Aid in Postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa / By Kim De Raedt - 8. The Opera Village Africa: Christoph Schlingensief and His Social Sculpture / By Susanne Bauer - 9. Seeking Appropriate Methods: The Role of Public-Interest Design Advocacy in the High Himalaya / By Carey Clouse - Part III. Structures of Engagement. 10. Reconceiving Professionalism in the Twenty-First Century / By Nils Gore - 11. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture and Social Engagement via the Built Environment / By Mehreen Chida-Razvi, Mohammad Gharipour -- 12. Sale Ends Soon: Epistemological Alternatives to Flying Architects / By Ijlal Muzaffar - 13. Creating the Environment for Social Engagement: The Experience of Venezuela / By Carlos Reimers - Part IV. Subjects of Engagement. - 14. Housing for Spatial Justice: Building Alliances between Women Architects and Users / By Ipek Türeli - 15. Children's Engagement in Design: Reflections from Research and Practice / By Matluba Khan - 16. The Garden of Liberation: Emptiness and Engagement at Suan Mokkh, Chaiya / By Lawrence Chua - 17. The Darker Side of Social Engagement / By Yutaka Sho - Part V. Tectonics of Engagement.--18. A Comparative History of Live Projects within the United States and the UK: Key Characteristics and Contemporary Implications / By Harriet Harriss - 19. The Do-It-Your (Self): The Construction of Social Identity through DIY Architecture and Urbanism / By Cathy Smith - 20. Building the Unseen: A Shift to a Socially Engaged Architecture Education / By R. Todd Ferry - Part VI. Environmental Engagement. - 21. Umdenken Umschwenken: Environmental Engagement and Swiss Architecture / By Kim Förster - 22. Material Participation and the Architecture of Domestic Autonomy / By Lee Stickells - 23. Salvage Salvation: Counterculture Trash as a Cultural Resource / By Greg Castillo - Part VII. Mapping Engagement. - 24. Marginality, Urban Conflict and the Pursuit of Social Engagement in Latin American Cities / By Felipe Hernández - 25. Understanding Public Interest Design: A Conceptual Taxonomy / By Joongsub Kim - 26. Architecture before 3.11: Unspoken Social Architecture during the Blank 25 Years of Japan / By Tamotsu Ito - 27. The Reciprocity between Architects and Social Change: Taiwan Experience after the 1990s / By Chun-Hsiung Wang - 28. Transforming the Spatial Legacies of Colonialism and Apartheid: Participatory Practice and Design Agency in Southern Africa / By Iain Low -- Part VIII. Engagement in Emergency. - 29. What We Can Learn From Refugees / By Thomas Fisher - 30. Displacement, Labor and Incarceration: A Mid-Twentieth-Century Genealogy of Camps / By Anoma Pieris - 31. Are Architects the Last People Needed in Disaster Reconstruction? / By Mojgan Taheri Tafti, David O'Brien - 32. Architecture without Borders?: The Globalization of Humanitarian Architecture Culture / By Shawhin Roudbari.

"Socially engaged architecture is a broad and emerging architectural genre that promises to redefine architecture from a market driven profession to a mix of social business, altruism, and activism that intends to eradicate poverty, resolve social exclusion, and construct an egalitarian global society. Routledge Companion to Socially Engaged Architecture offers a critical enquiry of socially engaged architectures current context characterized by socio-economic inequity, climate change, war, increasing global poverty, microfinance, the evolving notion of professionalism, the changing conception of public, and finally the growing academic interest in re-visioning the social role of architecture. Organized around case studies from the United States, Brazil, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, Thailand, Germany, Australia, Taiwan, and Japan the book documents the most important recent developments in the field. By examining diverse working methods and philosophies of socially engaged architecture, the handbook shows how socially engaged architecture is entangled in the global politics of poverty, reconstruction of the public sphere, changing role of the state, charity, and neoliberal urbanism. The book presents debates around the issue of whether architecture actually empowers the participators and alleviates socio-economic exclusion or if it instead indirectly sustains an exploitive capitalism. Bringing together a range of theories and case studies, this companion offers a platform to facilitate future lines of inquiry in education, research, and practice."--Provided by publisher.


9781138889699 (hardcover)
1138889695 (hardcover)
(electronic book)
9781317495703 (ePub ebook)
9781317495710 (PDF ebook)
9781317495697 (Mobipocket ebook)


Architecture and society.
Architects and community.
Architecture et société.
Relations architectes-collectivité.

Vedettes secondaires:

Karim, Farhan, editor.
Routledge companions.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 303065
Cote: BIB 249261
Statut: Disponible


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