Aesthetics and technology in building / Pier Luigi Nervi ; edited by Cristiana Chiorino, Elisabetta Margiotta Nervi, and Thomas Leslie.
Entrée principale:

Nervi, Pier Luigi, author.

Titre et auteur:

Aesthetics and technology in building / Pier Luigi Nervi ; edited by Cristiana Chiorino, Elisabetta Margiotta Nervi, and Thomas Leslie.


The twenty-first-century edition.


Urbana : University of Illinois Press, [2018]


xiv, 234 pages : illustrations ; 21 x 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"The UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The Pirelli skyscraper in Milan. The Palazetto dello Sport in Rome. The "soaring beauty" of Pier Luigi Nervi's visionary designs and buildings changed cityscapes in the twentieth century. His uncanny ingenuity with reinforced concrete, combined with a gift for practical problem solving, revolutionized the use of open internal space in structures like arenas and concert halls. Aesthetics and Technology in Building: The Twenty-First-Century Edition introduces Nervi's ideas about architecture and engineering to a new generation of students and admirers. More than 200 photographs, details, drawings, and plans show how Nervi put his ideas into practice. Expanding on the seminal 1961 Norton Lectures at Harvard, Nervi analyzes various functional and construction problems. He also explains how precast and cast-in-place concrete can answer demands for economy, technical and functional soundness, and aesthetic perfection. Throughout, he uses his major projects to show how these now-iconic buildings emerged from structural truths and far-sighted construction processes. This new edition features dozens of added images, a new introduction, and essays by Joseph Abram, Robert Einaudi and Alberto Bologna on Nervi's life, work, and legacy"-- Provided by publisher.
"Known for the "soaring beauty" of his designs and the buildings that realized them, Pier Nervi first made his reputation with the Municipal Stadium of Florence, Italy, and added to it with major structures that maximized open internal space, including arenas, field houses, airplane hangers, pavilions, and concert halls. Aesthetics and Technology in Building grew presents his ideas about architecture and engineering, heavily illustrated with photographs and drawings that show the design principles, means of construction, buildings under construction, and finished buildings. The new edition includes a preface, new introduction, and 4 new essays on Nervi, plus additional photographs of buildings he designed"-- Provided by publisher.


9780252041693 hardcover
0252041690 hardcover
9780252050367 (epub)


Reinforced concrete construction.
Construction en béton armé.
architecture (discipline)
ARCHITECTURE / History / Contemporary (1945-).
ARCHITECTURE / Individual Architects & Firms / Essays.
ARCHITECTURE / Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation.

Vedettes secondaires:

Chiorino, Cristiana, editor.
Margiotta Nervi, Elisabetta, editor.
Leslie, Thomas, 1967- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302070
Cote: BIB 248286
Statut: Disponible


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