Gabriele Basilico : entropía y espacio urbano = entropy and urban space.
Madrid : Fundación ICO : La Fábrica : PhotoEspaña, [2017]
207 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 x 31 cm
Published on the occasion of the exhibition held at Museo ICO, Madrid, Spain, May 30-September 10, 2017, within the PHotoEspaña festival, Madrid, Spain, May 31-August 27, 2017.
Gabriele Basilico photographs places which are suspended in time, without a history or a future, and this indetermination is precisely where their beauty and interest lie. His images go forward and reverse between nature and urban, thaht neutral space left in the middle, those terrain-vagues where city planning has succumbed to the conurbation's inherent expansion. These are photographs that reflect upon the end of the industrial cycle, upon ruins--both physical and ideological--of modernity, They are an attemt to understand a new environment arisen form the ashes of industrial spaces and compact cities. Basilico's work turns abandoned industrial buildings, chaotic conurbations and contemporary ruins into monuments of post-modern landscape.
Basilico, Gabriele Exhibitions.
Basilico, Gabriele.
Basilico, Gabriele 1944-2013
Cities and towns Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Street photography Exhibitions.
Architectural photography Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 20th century Pictorial works.
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Photographie de rue Expositions.
Photographie d'architecture Expositions.
Architecture 20e siècle Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Cities and towns Pictorial works.
Architecture, Modern Pictorial works. 20th century.
Architecture, Modern
Architectural photography
Cities and towns
Photography, Artistic
Street photography
illustrated books.
exhibition catalogs.
Illustrated works
Exhibition catalogs
Exhibition, pictorial works
Ausstellungskatalog Museo ICO 30.05.2017-10.09.2017 Madrid.
Ouvrages illustrés.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Basilico, Gabriele, photographer.
Basilico, Gabriele. Photographs. Selections.
Museo Colecciones I.C.O., host institution.
Fundación ICO, issuing body.
PHotoEspaña (Festival)
Entropía y espacio urbano
Gabriele Basilico : entropy and urban space
Entropy and urban space
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 300756
Cote: BIB 246976
Statut: Disponible
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