A compleat treatise on perspective, : in theory and practice; on the true principles of Dr. Brook Taylor. Made clear, in theory, by various moveable schemes, and diagrams; and reduced to practice, in the most familiar and intelligent manner. Shewing, how to delineate all kinds of regular objects, by rule. The theory and projection of shadows, by sun-shine, and by candle-light. The effects of reflected light, on objects; their reflected images, on the surface of water, and on polished, plane surfaces, in all positions. Keeping, aireal perspective, &c. The whole explicitly treated; and illustrated, in a great variety of familiar examples; in four books. Embellished with an elegant frontispiece, and forty-six plates. Containing diagrams, views, and original designs, in architecture, &c. neatly engraved. All originals; / invented, delineated, and, great part, engraved by the author, Thomas Malton.
Entrée principale:

Malton, Thomas, 1726-1801.

Titre et auteur:

A compleat treatise on perspective, : in theory and practice; on the true principles of Dr. Brook Taylor. Made clear, in theory, by various moveable schemes, and diagrams; and reduced to practice, in the most familiar and intelligent manner. Shewing, how to delineate all kinds of regular objects, by rule. The theory and projection of shadows, by sun-shine, and by candle-light. The effects of reflected light, on objects; their reflected images, on the surface of water, and on polished, plane surfaces, in all positions. Keeping, aireal perspective, &c. The whole explicitly treated; and illustrated, in a great variety of familiar examples; in four books. Embellished with an elegant frontispiece, and forty-six plates. Containing diagrams, views, and original designs, in architecture, &c. neatly engraved. All originals; / invented, delineated, and, great part, engraved by the author, Thomas Malton.


London : printed for the author; and sold by Messrs. Robson, in Bond-street; Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Becket, Adelphi, Strand; Taylor, near Great Turn-Stile, Holbourn; Richardson and Urquhart, Royal Exchange; and by the author, No. 3, Poland-Street, Oxford Road, near the Pantheon, MDCCLXXVI [1776].


[4], viii, [8], 284 p., [1], XLVI leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. ; 38 cm. (fol.)

Catchword on leaf A1r: and.
Copy [B] with sig. A also in a variant setting (A1r catchword: They).
Originally published: 1775.
Horizontal chain lines.
Plates are etched and engraved. Most are unsigned, but plates [1], XXVII and XXXI are signed: "P. Mazell sculp." (or similar); plates XXV, XXXII, XXXIV and XLVI are signed: "T. Miller sculp." (or similar); plate XXVI is signed: "A. Smith sculp."; plate XXVIII is signed: "J. Collyer sc.". Some plates have movable elements.
Plates variously dated 1774-1775, but many without imprint.
Signatures: pi² a-b² ²a-b² A-4B².
ESTC, T167097

Perspective Early works to 1800.
Perspective Ouvrages avant 1800.


folio (book format)
movable books.
Early works.
Livres animés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Becket, Thomas, active 1760-1815, bookseller.
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827, etcher.
Dodsley, James, 1724-1797, bookseller.
Mazell, Peter, active 1761-1797, etcher.
Müller, Tobias, active 1744-1790, etcher.
Robson, James, 1733-1806, bookseller.
Smith, Anker, 1749-1819, etcher.
Taylor, Brook, 1685-1731.
Taylor, Isaac, 1730-1807, bookseller.
Richardson and Urquhart, bookseller.
England London.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 32185
Cote: W399
Statut: Disponible


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