Aperture conversations : 1985 to the present / editors: Melissa Harris, Michael Famighetti.
Titre et auteur:

Aperture conversations : 1985 to the present / editors: Melissa Harris, Michael Famighetti.


First edition.


New York, N.Y. : Aperture Foundation, 2018.


559 pages ; 25 cm

A selection of interviews pulled from Aperture's publishing history.
Includes bibliographical references.
Robert Adams / by Joshua Chuang -- Claudia Andujar / by Nogueira -- Quentin Bajac / by Philip Gefter -- Kate Bornstein & Zackary Drucker -- Sophie Calle / by Melissa Harris -- Henri Cartier-Bresson / by Diana C. Stoll -- Chuck Close & Bob Holman / by Lyle Rexer -- Renée Cox / by Uri McMillan -- Gregory Crewdson / by Melissa Harris -- Moyra Davey / by Matthew S. Witkovsky -- Bruce Davidson / by Charlotte Cotton -- Tacita Dean / by Travis A. Diehl -- Robert Delpire / by Melissa Harris -- Philip-Lorca diCorcia & Leo Rubinfien -- John Divola / by Jan Tumlir -- Ava DuVernay & Bradford Young -- William Eggleston / by Charles Hagen -- Hal Fischer / by Julia Bryan-Wilson -- Samuel Fosso / by Yves Chatap -- LaToya Ruby Frazier / by Dawoud Bey -- Philip Gefter / by Véronique Vienne -- Allen Ginsberg / by Mark Holborn -- RoseLee Goldberg & Roxana Marcoci -- David Goldblatt / by Jonathan Cane -- Nan Goldin / by Mark Holborn -- Katy Grannan / by Sarah M. Miller -- Philip Jones Griffiths / by William Messer -- David Hockney & Graham Nash -- Michael E. Hoffman / by Robert Adams -- Jasper Johns / by Melissa Harris -- Isaac Julien / by Brendan Wattenberg -- Kikuji Kawada / by Ryuichi Kaneko -- Chris Killip / by Micahel Almereyda -- William Klein / by Aaron Schuman -- Nick Knight / by Diane Smyth -- Yoshiyuki Kohei / by Araki Nobuyoshi -- Josef Koudelka / by Melissa Harris -- Barbara Kruger / by Carol Squiers -- An-My Lê / by Hilton Als -- Richard Learoyd / by Peggy Roalf -- Sally Mann / by Melissa Harris -- Christian Marclay / by Frances Richard -- Marcello Mastroianni / by Gloria Satta -- Don McCullin / by Fred Ritchin -- Susan Meiselas / by Chris Boot -- Boris Mikhailov / by Viktor Misiano -- Richard Misrach / by Melissa Harris -- Isiuchi Miyako / by Yuri Mitsuda -- Daido Moriyama / by Ivan Vartanian -- Richard Mosse / by Aaron Schuman -- Zanele Muholi / by Deborah Willis -- Simon norfolk & Anne Wilkes Tucker / with Will Michels and Natalie Zelt -- Catherine Opie / by Maggie Nelson -- Trevor Paglen & Peter Galison -- Tod Papageorge / by John Pilson -- Adrian Piper / by Diana C. Stoll -- Richard Prince / by David Robbins -- Willy Ronis / by Carole Naggar -- Thomas Ruff / by Michael Farmighetti -- Sebastião Salgado / by Melissa Harris -- Lucas Samaras / by Vince Aletti -- Collier Schorr / by Matthew Higgs -- Jamel Shabazz / by Michaela Angela Davis -- Cindy Sherman / by Larry Frascella -- Stephen Shore / by Lynne Tillman -- Taryn Simon / by Roxana Marcoci -- Alex Soth / by Brad Zeller -- Mickalene Thomas & Carrie Mae Weems -- Jeff Wall / by Lucas Blalock -- James Welling / by Eva Respini -- Akram Zaatari / by Mark Westmoreland

Why did Henri Cartier-Bresson nearly have a posthumous exhibition while still alive? What led Stephen Shore to work with color? Why was Sophie Calle accused of stealing Vermeer's 'The Concert'? And what is Susan Meiselas's take on Instagram and the future of online storytelling? 'Aperture Conversations' presents a selection of interviews highlighting critical dialogue between photographers, esteemed critics, curators, editors, and artists from 1985 to the present day. Emerging talent along with well-established photographers discuss their work openly and examine the future of the medium. Drawn primarily from Aperture magazine with selections from Aperture's booklist and online platform, 'Aperture Conversations' celebrates the artist's voice, collaborations, and the photography community at large.


9781597113069 (hardcover)
1597113069 (hardcover)


Photographers Interviews.
Photographes Entretiens.



Vedettes secondaires:

Harris, Melissa, editor.
Famighetti, Michael, editor.
Aperture Foundation, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 301950
Cote: BIB 248151
Statut: Disponible


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