Artists and their books : books and their artists / Marcia Reed, Glenn Phillips.
Entrée principale:

Reed, Marcia, 1945- author.

Titre et auteur:

Artists and their books : books and their artists / Marcia Reed, Glenn Phillips.


Los Angeles : The Getty Research Institute, [2018]


vii, 212 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm

Issued on the occasion of the exhibition Artists and their books/Books and their artists, on view at the Getty Institute at the Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, from June 26 to October 28, 2018.
Published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Getty Research Institute at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, June 26-October 28, 2018.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 204-208) and index.
Foreword / Thomas W. Gaehtgens -- The book in general: some new definitions / Marcia Reed -- Rediscovering the radius of the discourses, or David Antin's "Politics of the artist's book" / Glenn Phillips -- Various artists' books.
Dust jacket.

"Presenting eighty editions and unique objects from the Getty Research Institute's special collections, this volume illuminates the current moment of artists' engagement with books, revealing them as an essential medium in contemporary art." Publisher.


9781606065730 (hardcover)
1606065734 (hardcover)


Getty Research Institute Exhibitions
Artists' books Exhibitions.
Conceptual art Exhibitions.
Livres d'artistes Expositions.
Art conceptuel Expositions.
Art Californie Los Angeles Expositions.
ART Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions Permanent Collections.
ART Individual Artists Artists' Books.
CRAFTS & HOBBIES Book Printing & Binding.
Artists' books.
Conceptual art.
Art conceptuel.
Livres d'artistes.
Art and Design.


Exhibition Publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Exhibition publications.

Vedettes secondaires:

Phillips, Glenn, 1974- author.
Gaehtgens, Thomas W., 1940- writer of foreword.
Getty Research Institute, host institution, issuing body.
Getty Research Institute host institution, issuing body.

Books and their artists


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 301353
Cote: BIB 247523
Statut: Disponible


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