Levine, Les, 1935- artist.
Les Levine : transmedia 1964-1974 / edited by Sarah Robayo Sheridan ; translation: Dominique Denis = éditée par Sarah Robayo Sheridan ; traduction: Dominique Denis.
Oakville, Ontario : Oakville Galleries, [2017]
185 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
"This publication surveys Les Levine's output from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s, a time when the artist was closely connected to the Toronto art scene. Widely acknowledged as a founder of media art, Levine would become known for developing new approaches to artmaking, establishing new categories such as "camera art," "disposable art," "media sculpture," "software art," "body control systems," and what he would term "Mott art." Constantly expanding the parameters of what could be understood as art, Levine's artworks addressed the conditions and experiences of a rapidly changing media landscape in ways that proved uniquely prescient of contemporary concerns and sensibilities. Exhibition: Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Canada (22.01.-12.03.2017) / Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Canada (29.04.-07.08.2017)."-- Provided by publisher.
1894707400 (paperback)
9781894707404 (paperback)
Levine, Les, 1935- Exhibitions.
Levine, Les Expositions.
Levine, Les, 1935-
Art 20th century Exhibitions.
Art 21st century Exhibitions.
Art 20e siècle Expositions.
Art 21e siècle Expositions.
Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Robayo Sheridan, Sarah, editor.
Denis, Dominique, translator.
Oakville Galleries, host institution.
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, host institution.
Transmedia 1964-1974
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307573
Cote: BIB 253047
Statut: Disponible
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