The Sea Ranch : architecture, environment, and idealism / edited by Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher and Joseph Becker.
San Francisco : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ; Munich : DelMonico Books/Prestel, 2018.
175 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans, portraits (some color) ; 29 cm
Situated on a ten-mile stretch of rugged Northern California coastline, The Sea Ranch was conceived as a retreat from urban living with connection to nature as a guiding principle. This striking book examines the development of the site's master plan and iconic early designs through sketches, drawings, and contemporary and archival photographs of its astonishing landscapes and distinctive timber-framed structures. A collection of essays that consider The Sea Ranch in relation to popular leisure destinations and within the context of the architectural history of California are accompanied by conversations with designers and others associated with the project from its inception. This book showcases the exemplary balance between land stewardship and modernist architecture that has made The Sea Ranch a model for living in harmony with nature. Exhibition: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA (2018 December 22-2019 April 28).
9783791357843 (hardcover)
3791357840 (hardcover)
Architecture, Domestic California Sea Ranch Exhibitions.
Architecture Environmental aspects California Exhibitions.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement Californie Expositions.
Architecture, Domestic
Architecture Environmental aspects
Sea Ranch (Calif.) History Exhibitions.
California Sea Ranch
Publications. Exhibition
exhibition catalogs.
Pictorial works
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Dunlop Fletcher, Jennifer, editor.
Becker, Joseph, 1984- editor.
Mariani, Phil, editor.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, host institution.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 317267
Cote: 317267
Statut: Disponible
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