Siza, Álvaro, 1933- artist.
Vizinhança : onde Álvaro encontra Aldo : representação oficial Portuguesa na 15.a Exposição Internacional de Arquitetura, La Biennale di Venezia 2016 / curadores, Nuno Grande, Roberto Cremascoli = Neighbourhood : where Alvaro meets Aldo : Portuguese official represenation at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2016 / curators, Nuno Grande, Roberto Cremascoli.
Berlin : Hatje Cantz, [2017]
208 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
"As a response to the theme of the 2016 Venice Biennale, Portugal presented a site-specific pavilion occupying an urban front in physical and social regeneration at the island of Giudecca. The pavilion exhibited four notable works by Álvaro Siza on social housing--Campo di Marte (Venice); Schilderswijk (The Hague); Schlesisches Tor (Berlin); and Bairro da Bouça (Porto)--revealing his participatory experience with the local inhabitants, and his peculiar understanding of the European city and citizenship. These projects have created true 'places of neighborhood' an important subject important of the current European political agenda, towards a more tolerant and multicultural society. This book reveals the curatorial experience that supported the display of those works in the Venice Biennale, including unusual images of Álvaro Siza's recent visits to the neighborhoods; but also the major social and urban changes which took place in there: processes triggered by immigration, ghettoization, gentrification and touristification of cities"--Back cover.
9783775742870 (paperback)
3775742875 (paperback)
Siza, Álvaro, 1933- Exhibitions.
Siza, Álvaro, 1933-
Neighborhoods Exhibitions.
Neighborhood planning Exhibitions.
Architecture and society Exhibitions.
Quartiers (Urbanisme) Planification Expositions.
Architecture et société Expositions.
Architecture and society.
Neighborhood planning.
Exhibition catalogs.
Grande, Nuno, 1966-
Cremascoli, Roberto.
Centro Cultural de Belém.
International Architectural Exhibition (15th : 2016 : Venice, Italy)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299298
Cote: BIB 245403
Statut: Disponible
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