Santiago Calatrava : drawing, building, reflecting / introduction and texts by Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz.
Entrée principale:

Calatrava, Santiago, 1951- architect, author.

Titre et auteur:

Santiago Calatrava : drawing, building, reflecting / introduction and texts by Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz.


London : Thames & Hudson, 2018.


224 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 218-219) and index.
The human body : Project case study: Stadelhofen Station (1983-90), Zürich, Switzerland -- Nature : Project case study: Dubai Creek Tower (2016- ), Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- Light and matter : Project case study: St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (2012- ), New York, USA -- Art and architecture : Project case study: Sharq Crossing (2013- ), Doha, Qater -- Illustrated chronology of built works.

Santiago Calatrava first made a name for himself in the late 1980s with delicately designed structures in Zurich that seem to grow out of the earth. He went on to create a series of highly innovative, iconic bridges across Europe, and in recent years he has drawn attention for such large-scale projects as the City of Arts and Sciences in his birth town, Valencia; the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro; and the World Transportation Hub at Ground Zero in New York. While many books have documented Calatrava's output over the years, this is the first to offer his own thoughts, in his own words, in a reading format.




Calatrava, Santiago, 1951- Criticism and interpretation.
Calatrava, Santiago, 1951- Case studies.
Calatrava, Santiago, 1951-
Calatrava, Santiago 1951-
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Art and architecture.
Architectural drawing.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Art et architecture.
Architecture and Planning.


Case studies.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Études de cas.

Vedettes secondaires:

Carrillo de Albornoz, Cristina, writer of introduction, author.
Carrillo de Albornoz, Cristina writer of introduction, author.

Drawing, building, reflecting


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 303046
Cote: BIB 249242
Statut: Disponible


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