Historic Philadelphia : from the founding until the early nineteenth century : papers dealing with its people and buildings.
Titre et auteur:

Historic Philadelphia : from the founding until the early nineteenth century : papers dealing with its people and buildings.


Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1953.


331 pages : illustrations, map, portraits ; 30 cm.


Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ; v. 43, pt. 1

Map in pocket.
Includes index of names.
Includes bibliographical references.
The Independence Hall group / Edward M. Riley -- Philosophical Hall : the home of the American Philosophical Society / William E. Lingelbach -- The oldest bank building in the United States / James O. Wettereau -- The Second Bank of the United States / Bray Hammond -- The Philadelphia Exchange : William Strickland, architect / Agnes Addison Gilchrist -- Carpenters' Hall / Charles E. Peterson -- Library Hall : home of the Library Company of Philadelphia 1790-1880 / Charles E. Peterson -- Franklin's home / Edward M. Riley -- 190, High Street (Market Street below Sixth) -- the home of Washington and Adams 1790-1800 / Harold Donaldson Eberlein -- The Charity School, the Academy, and the College, Fourth and Arch Streets / William L. Turner -- Christ Church, St. Peter's, and St. Paul's / Robert W. Shoemaker -- St. Joseph's and St. Mary's Churches / Dennis C. Kurjack -- Quaker landmarks in early Philadelphia / Edwin B. Bronner -- The Presbyterian churches of old Philadelphia / Rev. Alexander Mackie -- St. George's Church : the cradle of American Methodism / Rev. Bishop Fred Pierce Corson -- The Pennsylvania Hospital / Edward B. Krumbhaar -- Philadelphia's eighteenth-century fire insurance companies / Nicholas B. Wainwright -- Peale's Museum / Charles Coleman Sellers -- The Athenaeum : some account of its history from 1814 to 1850 / Arthur M. Kennedy -- The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia / Maurice E. Phillips -- The Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania / Henry Butler Allen -- Houses and early life in Philadelphia / Grant Miles Simon -- Two centuries of Philadelphia architecture : 1700-1900 / Robert C. Smith -- Market houses in High Street / Agnes Addison Gilchrist -- The theatre and the drama in old Philadelphia / Arthur Hobson Quinn -- The taverns of colonial Philadelphia / Robert Earle Graham -- Philadelphia prisons of the eighteenth century / Thorsten Sellin.

Historic buildings Pennsylvania Philadelphia.
Historic buildings
Manners and customs
Philadelphia (Pa.) History.
Philadelphia (Pa.) Social life and customs.
Philadelphie (Penns.) Mœurs et coutumes.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia



Vedettes secondaires:

American Philosophical Society.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ; n. s., v. 43, pt. 1.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 72312
Cote: 9368; ID:86-B11908
Statut: Disponible


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