Bureau of the centre for the study of surrealism and its legacy / Mark Dion.
Entrée principale:

Dion, Mark, 1961- book artist.

Titre et auteur:

Bureau of the centre for the study of surrealism and its legacy / Mark Dion.


Second edition.


London : Book Works, 2018.


128 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 24 cm

Artist's book.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Mark Dion : theatre of the natural world" at Whitechapel Gallery, London, in Spring 2018. First edition published 2005 to accompany the installation of a mock bureau for surrealist research at the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Spring 2005.
Essays by Anna Dezeuze, Julia Kelly and David Lomas.
Originally published as part of Book Works Opus Projects (Opus 4) by Book Works and The AHRB Research Centre for the Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies in association with Alchemy/The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester.
Front and back covers illustrated with representation of outer and inner side of a door.
Includes bibliographical references.

"Recalling the short-lived Bureau de Recherches Surréalistes of 1924-1925 - part information centre and 'public relations' office, and part surrealist archive - Mark Dion has trawled the Manchester Museum's own collections and found the raw material for this book and a new installation in the museum. Museums' attempts to classify and present the world in miniature inevitably mean that much of their collections are forgotten and marginalized. Renowned for his work exploring taxonomy, archaeology and ecology, Mark Dion, in his Bureau documents his opportunistic encounters with the Museum of Manchester's neglected drawers and overlooked recesses that are home to redundant labels, orphaned mounts, defunct teaching models, botanical freaks, Egyptian fakes and the minutiae that have fallen through the cracks of museum practice and lain abandoned. Dion's Bureau of the Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy is both a repository for the detritus of museum life and a working process, classifying the museum's un-classifiable whilst exploring the bureaucratic workings of the institution."--Publisher's statement.




Dion, Mark, 1961-
AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies.


artists' books (books)
Artists' books
Livres d'artistes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Dezeuze, Anna, contributor.
Kelly, Julia, 1970- contributor.
Lomas, David, contributor.
Book Works (Organization), publisher.
England London.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302991
Cote: BIB 249171
Statut: Disponible


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