Leonard Cohen, une brèche en toute chose. English.
Leonard Cohen : a crack in everything / John Zeppetelli and Victor Shiffman ; with the collaboration of Sylvie Simmons and Chantal Ringuet.
Montréal : Musée d'art contemporain, [2018]
[Montreal, Quebec] : Art Books Canada
160 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), music ; 28 cm
The world-renowned novelist, poet and singer/songwriter inspired generations of writers, musicians and artists. For decades, Leonard Cohen tenaciously supplied the world with melancholy but urgent observations on the state of the human heart. With equal parts gravitas and grace, he teased out a startlingly inventive and singular language, depicting both an exalted spirituality and an earthly sexuality. His interweaving of the sacred and the profane, of mystery and accessibility, was such a compelling combination it became seared into memory. Situated between monograph and devotional exercise, this visually striking publication documents a unique exhibition and pays homage to a global star's enormous cultural achievements. Visual artists, filmmakers, performers and musicians from around the world revisit Cohen's words, songs, and biography with new perspectives. Cohen himself makes an appearance as a visual artist with a projection of his many self-portraits. Co-curators John Zeppetelli and Victor Shiffman discuss the two years that went into bringing the ambitious event to fruition, from its original conception as a celebration to its final form of a tribute suffused in elegy. Cohen biographer Sylvie Simmons reviews Cohen's career from early promise to unexpected paths, through set-backs, and onto its astounding culmination. Chantal Ringuet draws upon specific moments in Cohen's life from early childhood to his last writings where he seems to be reciting his own Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead. Also featured are artist statements from each of the 40 participants.
9782551261765 (hardback)
2551261767 (hardback)
Cohen, Leonard, 1934-2016 Exhibitions.
Cohen, Leonard, 1934-2016 Expositions.
Cohen, Leonard, 1934-2016
Composers Canada Exhibitions.
Singers Canada Exhibitions.
Poets, Canadian (English) 20th century Exhibitions.
Poets, Canadian 20th century Exhibitions.
Compositeurs Canada Expositions.
Chanteurs Canada Expositions.
Poètes canadiens-anglais 20e siècle Expositions.
Poètes canadiens 20e siècle Expositions.
Poets, Canadian
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Zeppetelli, John, curator.
Shiffman, Victor, curator.
Simmons, Sylvie, writer of added commentary.
Ringuet, Chantal, writer of added commentary.
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, organizer, host institution.
Crack in everything
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307649
Cote: BIB 253120
Statut: Disponible
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