Social practices / Chris Kraus.
Entrée principale:

Kraus, Chris, author.

Titre et auteur:

Social practices / Chris Kraus.


South Pasadena, CA : Semiotext(e), [2018]


295 pages ; 23 cm.


Semiotext(e) active agents series

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The cult of freedom -- 1. Personal histories -- Trick -- This is chance -- A walk around the neighborhood -- Sparkle girl (Julie Becker) -- What I couldn't write -- Kate Newby's bones -- The new universal -- Experimental film -- 2. Social practices -- Kelly Lake Store and other stories -- Radical localism -- Fernando Corona: in love with the animals -- Lost properties -- The happy beneficiary (Tao Wells) -- It's very sad, really: art writing, orphaning, migration of the humanities and (no) information -- Face -- 3. The dystopian present -- Jason Rhoades, American artist -- Here begins the dark sea (Simon Denny) -- A history of destabilization (Lucie Stahl) -- Pseudofiction, myth and contingency (Ryan McGinley) -- Channa Horwitz -- Blanket -- Pretend you're actually alive (Leigh Ledare) -- Accumulation (Yayoi Kusama) -- 4. Ambition, humility, happiness -- Ambition, humility, happiness -- Resistance.

Mixing biography, autobiography, fiction, criticism, and conversations among friends, with 'Social Practices' Chris Kraus continues the anthropological exploration of artistic lives and the art world begun in 2004 with 'Video Green: Los Angeles Art and the Triumph of Nothingness'. 'Social Practices' includes writings from and around the legendary "Chance Event-Three Days in the Desert with Jean Baudrillard" (1996), and "Radical Localism," an exhibition of art and media from Puerto Nuevo's Mexicali Rose that Kraus co-organized with Marco Vera and Richard Birkett in 2012. Attuned to the odd and the anomalous, Kraus profiles Elias Fontes, an Imperial Valley hay merchant who has become an important collector of contemporary Mexican art, and chronicles the demise of a rural convenience store in northern Minnesota. She considers the work of such major contemporary artists as Jason Rhoades, Channa Horowitz, Simon Denny, Yayoi Kusama, Henry Taylor, Julie Becker, Ryan McGinley, and Leigh Ledare. Although Kraus casts a skeptical eye at the genre that's come to be known as "social practice," her book is less a critique than a proposition as to how art might be read through desire and circumstance, delirium, gossip, coincidence, and revenge. All art, she implies, is a social practice.


9781635900392 (paperback)
1635900395 (paperback)


Art, American 21st century.
Art américain 21e siècle.
20.08 art psychology.
Art, American.



Vedettes secondaires:

Semiotext(e) active agents series.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302889
Cote: BIB 249047
Statut: Disponible


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