Concrete : case studies in conservation practice / edited by Catherine Croft and Susan Macdonald with Gail Ostergren.
Titre et auteur:

Concrete : case studies in conservation practice / edited by Catherine Croft and Susan Macdonald with Gail Ostergren.


Los Angeles : Getty Conservation Institute, [2018]


207 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm.


Conserving modern heritage

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : Concrete conservation: an emerging area of practice -- The Listening Mirrors, Denge, Kent, England, 1928-30 / Chris Wood and David Farrell -- Halles du Boulingrin, Reims, France, 1928 / François Chatillon and Richard Palmer -- Villa Girasole, Verona, Italy, 1929-35 / Michele Secco, Elena Stievanin, Claudio Modena, Gilberto Artioli, and Francesca da Porto -- Dudley Zoological Gardens, Dudley, England, 1937 / Stuart Tappin -- São Francisco de Assis Church, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1943 / Marco Antônio Penido de Rezende, Ulisses Vanucci Lins, and José Eduardo de Aguiar -- Magliana Pavilion, Rome, 1945 / Tullia Iori and Sergio Poretti -- Gänsehäufel swimming facility, Vienna, 1950 / Wolfgang H. Salcher -- Unité d'habitation, Marseille, France, 1952 / François Botton -- First Christian Lower Technical School Patrimonium, Amsterdam, 1956 / Wessel de Jonge and Jurjen van Beek -- Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 1958-62 / Paul Gaudette, Deborah Slaton, and David S. Patterson -- New York Hall of Science, New York, 1964 / Laura N. Buchner, Christopher Gembinski, and Raymond M. Pepi -- National Theatre, London, 1976 / Patrick Dillon and Stephen Douglas -- Brion Cemetery, Treviso, Italy, 1969-78 / Guido Pietropoli, Paolo Faccio, Paola Scaramuzza, and Greta Bruschi -- Untitled by Donald Judd, Southwest England, 1988-91 / Catherine Croft.

"This volume of fourteen case studies addresses the challenges of conserving the twentieth century's most ubiquitous building material, concrete"--Provided by publisher.
"This timely volume brings together fourteen case studies that address the challenges of conserving the twentieth century’s most ubiquitous building material—concrete. Following a meeting of international heritage conservation professionals in 2013, the need for recent, thorough, and well-vetted case studies on conserving twentieth century heritage became clear. This book answers that need and kicks off a new series, Conserving Modern Heritage, aimed at sharing best practices. The projects selected represent a range of building typologies, uses, and sizes, from the high-rise housing blocks of Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation and public buildings such as London’s National Theatre to small monuments like the structures at Dudley Zoological Gardens and a sculpture by Donald Judd. The projects also represent a range of environmental and economic contexts. Some projects benefit from high levels of heritage protection and access to funding, while others have had to negotiate conservation with stringent cost limitations. All follow a rigorous conservation approach, beginning with a process of investigation and diagnosis to identify causes and target repairs, balanced with conservation requirements to preserve significance"--from Publisher


9781606065761 (paperback)
1606065769 (paperback)


Concrete construction Conservation and restoration Case studies.
Architecture, Modern 20th century Conservation and restoration Case studies.
Historic buildings Conservation and restoration Case studies.
Construction en béton Conservation et restauration Études de cas.
Architecture 20e siècle Conservation et restauration Études de cas.
Monuments historiques Conservation et restauration Études de cas.
Architecture, Modern Conservation and restoration
Concrete construction Conservation and restoration
Historic buildings Conservation and restoration


Case studies
Études de cas.

Vedettes secondaires:

Croft, Catherine, 1964- editor.
Macdonald, Susan, 1961- editor.
Ostergren, Gail, editor.
Conserving modern heritage.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé


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