Architecture as profession : the origins of architectural practice in the Low Countries in the fifteenth century / Merlijn Hurx.
Entrée principale:

Hurx, Merlijn, 1981- author. aut

Titre et auteur:

Architecture as profession : the origins of architectural practice in the Low Countries in the fifteenth century / Merlijn Hurx.


Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2018]


459 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 28 cm


Architectura moderna : architectural exchanges in Europe, 16th-17th centuries ; vol. 13

"This publication ... is based on my PhD thesis defended at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft in 2010, which previously resulted in a book published in Dutch under the title Architect en Aannemer (Vantilt) in 2012"--Acknowledgements, page 9
Includes bibliographical references (pages 385-429) and indexes.
Ch. 1 The Liberty to Design -- ch. 2 Urban Building Boom -- ch. 3 The Stone Trade -- ch. 4 Quarrying at Brussels -- ch. 5 Profession of the Architect -- ch. 6 Communicating the Design -- ch. 7 Strategies for `Prefab' Architecture.

Fifteenth-century Florence is generally considered the cradle of the modern architect. There, for the first time since Antiquity, the Vitruvian concept which distinguishes between builder and designer was recognised in architectural theory, causing a fundamental rupture in architectural practice. In this well-established narrative Northern Europe only followed a century later when, along with the diffusion of Italian treatises and the introduction of the all ntica style, a new type of architect began to replace traditional gothic masters. However, historiography has largely overlooked the important transformations in building organisation that laid the foundations for our modern architectural production, such as the advent of affluent contractors, public tenders, and specialised architectural designers, all of which happened in fifteenth-century Northern Europe. Drawing on a wealth of new source material from the Low Countries, this book offers a new approach to the transition from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period by providing an alternative interpretation to the predominantly Italo-centric perspective of the current literature, and its concomitant focus on style and on Vitruvian theory.-- Publisher's website.


9782503568256 (paperback)
2503568254 (paperback)


Architectural practice Netherlands History To 1500.
Architectural practice Netherlands History 15th century.
Architectural practice Belgium History To 1500.
Architectural practice Belgium History 15th century.
Architectural practice.



Vedettes secondaires:

Architect en aannemer.
Architectura moderna ; v. 13.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302036
Cote: BIB 248255
Statut: Disponible


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